[Token-wp2] Short Questionnaire for PUC#2

Clifton, Judith Catherine judith.clifton at unican.es
Mon Apr 6 10:36:11 CEST 2020

Sorry, do you prefer 10am tomorrow, Sofia? That is fine. Please confirm

Department of Economics
University of Cantabria
Av de los Castros S.N.,
Cantabria 39120
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Economic Policy Reform
Tel. 34 942 201287

From: Sofia Terzi <sterzi at iti.gr>
Sent: 06 April 2020 9:09
To: Clifton, Judith Catherine
Cc: Diaz Fuentes, Daniel; token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org
Subject: RE: [Token-wp2] Short Questionnaire for PUC#2

Dear Judith,

Due to a schedule conflict, is it possible to move our call either tomorrow (Tuesday) or on Friday same time? I am sorry for any inconvenience

Best Regards,


From: Clifton, Judith Catherine <judith.clifton at unican.es>
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2020 1:06 PM
To: Sofia Terzi <sterzi at iti.gr>; token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org
Cc: Diaz Fuentes, Daniel <daniel.diaz at unican.es>
Subject: Re: [Token-wp2] Short Questionnaire for PUC#2

Dear Sofia

Wednesday 8 April at 10am would be perfect! I will skype you then.

Best and thanks



From: Sofia Terzi <sterzi at iti.gr<mailto:sterzi at iti.gr>>
Sent: 03 April 2020 8:28
To: Clifton, Judith Catherine; token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org<mailto:token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org>
Cc: Diaz Fuentes, Daniel
Subject: RE: [Token-wp2] Short Questionnaire for PUC#2

Dear Judith, all,

We are all well here and wish the same for you too!

Would you prefer a skype call on Monday or on Wednesday morning at 10 CET to discuss and organize the questionnaire process? If none of these slots suits you, please let me know your other options

Best Regards,

Sofia Terzi


Blockchain Solutions Architect MSc.

Information Technologies Institute – CERTH | www.iti.gr<http://www.iti.gr>

6th km Harilaou - Thermi, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece

From: token-wp2-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:token-wp2-bounces at lists.fiware.org> <token-wp2-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:token-wp2-bounces at lists.fiware.org>> On Behalf Of Clifton, Judith Catherine
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 4:05 PM
To: token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org<mailto:token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org>
Cc: Clifton, Judith Catherine <judith.clifton at unican.es<mailto:judith.clifton at unican.es>>; Diaz Fuentes, Daniel <daniel.diaz at unican.es<mailto:daniel.diaz at unican.es>>
Subject: [Token-wp2] Short Questionnaire for PUC#2

Dear Sofia,

Dear TOKEN PUC#2 colleagues

We sincerely hope you are all well and safe.

We attach a very short questionnaire we have designed for the PUCs to assess their ex ante scenario. Sofia, could you, or a colleague, be in charge and fill in the responses?

We would be very grateful if it was possible to have a quick skype call about your responses - if possible, one morning next week?

Please let us know, with all our best wishes

Judith Clifton

Daniel Diaz - UC

Department of Economics
University of Cantabria
Av de los Castros S.N.,
Cantabria 39120
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Economic Policy Reform
Tel. 34 942 201287
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