[Token-wp2] D2.4 Implementation plan

Joris Finck (imec) Joris.Finck at imec.be
Thu Dec 3 08:28:49 CET 2020

Dear PUC owners,

I hope this email finds you well.

This is a gentle reminder to fill out the D2.4 implementation plan<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FIc4JI0CIkISVrBB2FC_X-JbfdVo8sJW/view?usp=sharing> (this document on our G-drive (WP2>WarmupBootcamp> Token_Implementation plan), our deadline (to start the review process) is 15/12.

PUC 3 has started to work in the document, I hope we can inspire each other by adding our text in the document.

Two specific questions:

  *   @Clifton, Judith Catherine<mailto:judith.clifton at unican.es>: There is a section on the impact assessment, however still a bit unclear which actions the PUC owner can take (so we can describe them in the document). If not relevant in this document we can delete this section in the document.
  *   @sterzi at iti.gr<mailto:sterzi at iti.gr> We could use a sparring partner to define good metrics/KPI's for the monitoring plan, do you think you could help us? Anybody else?

Warm regards,


Innovation Manager
M +32 476 85 89 85
joris.finck at imec.be<mailto:joris.finck at imec.be>  I  www.imec-int.com<http://www.imec-int.com/>  I  LinkedIn imec<https://www.linkedin.com/company/imec/>
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