[Token-wp4] Deliverable 4.1 Evaluation Framework on the Potential Implications of Blockchain in the Public Sector: A Systematic Review

Diaz Fuentes, Daniel daniel.diaz at unican.es
Wed Apr 15 18:13:40 CEST 2020

Dear Token Members

You can find Deliverable 4.1 Evaluation Framework on the Potential Implications of Blockchain in the Public Sector: A Systematic Review HERE<https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1vo297D8AN69VZnPVsx_BM7OslRHEj3a0>

We welcome your comments before April 22 so we can improve this before submission to the Commission by the end of April.

Best wishes

Judith Clifton and Daniel Diaz Fuentes.

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