[Token-wp6] Link to Doc D6.1 PEDR

Karen Vega karen.vega at fiware.org
Tue Oct 26 17:17:02 CEST 2021

Dear  WP6 Contributors

We had a meeting today to see the status of* DEL 6.1 PEDR ( Plan for the
Exploitation and Dissemination of Results)
Please use this
as the version where you should contribute, its a version created by
Stefano after our meeting today on WP6. I will erase another same name to
avoid confusion


On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 1:58 AM Carlo Harpes <harpes at itrust.lu> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I integrated your changes (unfortunately only a few) in the innovation
> radar in xls, and and save it as v1.0 ready to be given to the Commission
> (if Stefano want):
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gb7nI-tfIRUsbkhFl53D4ynGfgmYtqqZ/view?usp=sharing
> File name: PMD_R611_token-InnovationRadar_v1.0-cha
> However,
>    1. the main innovation, i.e. the token platform has NOT YET BEEN FULLY
>    described. You find many empty cells in the sheet “Innovation Radar” column
>    D.
>    2. Almost no product has been tested (to many TDB in Sheet Overview,
>    Column H (Link to test report). I (and the commission) would expect that
>    the PUC have tested several of our tool and produced test reports, but this
>    does not appear to be the case.
> I will leave it to Stefano as coordinator to decide how to deal with this
> risk.
> Next steps
>    1. *To all*: please read and adapt in xls, not on the google platform
>    and send me back the file (as zip via Google). Ideally mark the changed
>    cells in Yellow.
>    2. *Please add Stefano in cc so that we also can make changes during
>    this final review*, as WG6 closes the D6.1 with all info available
>    today.
>    3. This evening, Benjamin will copy the info in the Overview  ch 4 of
>    D6.1.
> Regards,
> Carlo
> ___________________________________________
> Carlo Harpes
> Managing Director
> *itrust consulting s.à r.l.*
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> Web:     www.itrust.lu
> mailto:  harpes at itrust.lu
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Karen Vega
Senior Manager

karen.vega at fiware.org

Linked-In/Karen Vega <https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/>
 "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." H. Jackson
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