[cloud-marketplace-proposal] Hints for identifying additional members for our consortium

Álvaro Arranz aarranz at ficodes.com
Tue Feb 8 17:57:22 CET 2022

Dear all,

Regarding the Smart Ports domain, we could reach Portel Logistics
<https://www.portel.es/> and IDOM <https://www.idom.com/>. We also are able
to reach Hyrde <https://hyrde.io/> for the Smart Home domain. We
collaborate with all of them for providing FIWARE solutions.

Best Regards,
*Álvaro Arranz García*

Chief Executive Officer <http://ficodes.com/>

aarranz at ficodes.com

+34 669 079 467


On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 5:41 PM Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>

> Hi everyone,
>   As already discussed, it is of high priority to reach an enough numbers
> of partners in the consortium if we want to be able to reach the 40 M€ of
> budget that are planned for this call.
>   The beauty (and differential value) of our proposal is that it relies on
> the vision of creating a federation of marketplaces adhering to a common
> registry of cloud data/application services and common standards.  Each of
> those marketplaces would be typically connected to either an IaaS cloud
> provider or a cloud integration platform (ideally bringing NGSI-LD as core
> integration API but it could also even not be mandatory).   Marketplaces
> associated to cloud integration platforms would be typically
> domain-specific, trying to bring an added value beyond the pure listing of
> applications that a user can use as a Service: applications listed in their
> marketplace can be plugged and connected through the integration platform
> and, as far as common standard models are adopted, interoperability will be
> achieved not only between applications a customer may select and deploy,
> but also with applications that the cloud integration platform provider may
> bring as default: e.g., an integrated command and control system if we are
> talking about an integration platform focused on smart cities, or a
> Manufacturing Execution System (MES) if we are talking about an integration
> platform focused on smart manufacturing.
>   We will have one good example of an IaaS Cloud provider (IONOS) and
> several examples now of cloud integration platforms that aim to incorporate
> a marketplace that would be part of the envisioned federation:
>    - Urban Data Platform by Atos, focused on smart cities / public
>    administrations
>    - Digital Enabler by Engineering, focused also on smart cities (also
>    in manufacturing?)
>    - RAMP by EuropeanDynamics, focused on smart manufacturing
>    - Acricolous by TeamDev, focused on smart agrifood
>   Our consortium could naturally expand by adding new partners tackling
> additional domains.   Maybe we can even have two per some domains (I would
> not go further).   I encourage the team to think about domains we may
> tackle where we know of serious partners who may like the idea described
> above.   Potential candidate domains and partners I see:
>    - Smart Water: EGM?
>    - Smart Energy: ?
>    - Smart Ports: ?
>    - e-Health: ?
>    - Smart Tourism: Amadeus?  (I have some contacts but I recall someone
>    mentioned they already had some)
>    - Smart Mobility: ?
>    - Smart Home: ?
>   If we were able to setup a consortia tackling all these domains, then we
> would definitively have a strong proposal.
>   Cheers,
> --
> Juanjo Hierro
> Chief Technology Officer
> juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
> www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro
> Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro
> <https://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
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