[cloud-marketplace-proposal] Some hints regarding budget estimation

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Wed Feb 16 19:28:28 CET 2022

Hi everyone,

   We are receiving the info about budget estimation and there are some 
hints I wanted to share.

   I partly explained the following in the mail I sent yesterday but let 
me elaborate further.   In this project there are kind of the following 
partner role (one given partner may have several roles).  I place in red 
tasks where they are expected to allocate resources:

  * IaaS Cloud provider:
      o They provide Infrastructure as a Service
      o They already have, or they want to have, a markeplace linked to
        their IaaS Cloud offering where they can list data/applications
        from third parties which can be used together with application
        from the customer deployed in their IaaS
      o They wish that marketplace to be federated with the ECM so that
        they can easily integrate in their marketplace catalogue
        data/applications that have been registered in the shared
        catalogue of services that the ECM hosts
      o You should have PMs in Task 3.6, 4.1 and 4.2
  * Platform Cloud provider:
      o They provide a platform as a Service (e.g., a smart city
        platform) together with several applications (e.g., command and
        control system for the city)
      o They already have, or they want to have, a markeplace linked to
        their platform offering where they can list applications from
        third parties (e.g., an application for smart parking) which can
        be easily activated and integrated with their platform
      o They wish that marketplace to be federated with the ECM so that
        they can easily integrate in their marketplace catalogue
        data/applications that have been registered in the shared
        catalogue of services that the ECM hosts
      o You should have PMs in Task 3.6, 4.1 and 4.2
  * Certification partners:
      o They will certify IaaS Cloud, Platform Cloud and
        data/application service providers
      o Based on certification results, Verifiable Credentials (labels)
        will be issued for the providers so that they can include those
        in the description of their services when they register those
        descriptions in the ECM Shared Catalogue
      o You should have PMs in Task 4.3
  * Developers of ECM components:
      o They implement the ECM portal and backend API services exported
        by the ECM:
          + Admin of Service and Service Offering descriptions (portal
            and APIs for service providers)
          + Publication of data resources (portal and APIs for all users)
          + Searching and Browsing Service and Service Offerings (portal
            and APIs for all users)
          + Reporting and Analytics (portal and APIs for service providers)
          + Service Brokerage, helping users to discover services
            suitable for them and guiding them to federated marketplaces
            through which those services can be ordered: for consumers
          + Access to Service and Service Offerings descriptions (APIs
            through which federated marketplaces will integrate with the
          + Services for logging creation and changes of service orders
            and contracts, as well as actual usage of services (APIs
            through which federated marketplaces will integrate with the
      o You should have PMs in Tasks 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 or 3.5
        (depending on what of the functionalities above you will be
        contributing to implement), T4.1, T4.2, T4.4
  * Blockchain network and technology providers:
      o Blockchain network operators: they operate blockchain networks
        on which some of the ECM components rely on:
          + storage of logs associated to creation and changes of
            service orders and contracts, as well as actual usage of
          + storage of VC/VP associated to description of services and
            service offerings
          + You should have PMs in Task 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2
      o (Tendermint):
          + enables replication of logs in multiple blockchain networks
          + You should have PMs in Task 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2

   It doesn't make sense that you place PMs in 4.1 but not 4.2, for example.

   We will get back to those of you for whom we have detected 
inconsistencies with the above.

   Hope it helps.  If you have still doubts, please come back to me or 


Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 

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