[DOME] R: DOME KOM in Rome - participants list and agenda

Giuseppe Cafiso giuseppe.cafiso at eng.it
Wed Feb 1 16:49:16 CET 2023

Just a note:
Day 2 16:20 - DOME federated providers and marketplaces – 40 minutes – 6 speakers  means 6 minutes for each speech including Q&A ?
Maybe we should consider some reduction in the coffee break time.


Da: cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org <cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org> Per conto di Laura Pucci
Inviato: mercoledì 1 febbraio 2023 13:46
A: cloud-marketplace-proposal <cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org>
Oggetto: [DOME] DOME KOM in Rome - participants list and agenda

Dear Partners Kick-off meeting in Rome is approaching and we are sharing the proposed agenda with you (at this link and also attached for convenience). Please kindly let us know should you have any comments. As you know, it'll be a half-day
CAUTION: This email might originate from outside the organization.

Dear Partners

Kick-off meeting in Rome is approaching and we are sharing the proposed agenda with you (at this link <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/engit.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/DOME-repo-temporary/Documenti*20condivisi/General/Meetings/2023.02.8-9*20Rome*20Kickoff*20Meeting/DOME*20-*20Rome*20KOM*208-9.02.23*20-*20Agenda.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=w4q4WD__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!LQkDIss!UhJOy4ieGxzntcpKqkQTKdAfMQ4y7NiKr4TkYL9qhX-gUMpsIr5qgKeBS9gXa1E3fvGXO4cl4A3EieTZKNxsBfvI7g$> and also attached for convenience). Please kindly let us know should you have any comments. As you know, it'll be a half-day meeting on Day 1/February 8th (we'll have a light lunch first, then meeting will start at 2.00pm),  and a full-day meeting on Day 2/February 9th.  As Giovanni already anticipated, the location will be the BV Oly Hotel in Rome<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.bvolyhotel.com/?lang=en__;!!LQkDIss!UhJOy4ieGxzntcpKqkQTKdAfMQ4y7NiKr4TkYL9qhX-gUMpsIr5qgKeBS9gXa1E3fvGXO4cl4A3EieTZKNzD4-zR4Q$>

We have prepared two templates for the presentations<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/engit.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/DOME-repo-temporary/Documenti*20condivisi/General/Meetings/2023.02.8-9*20Rome*20Kickoff*20Meeting/templates?csf=1&web=1&e=an5tsW__;JSUlJQ!!LQkDIss!UhJOy4ieGxzntcpKqkQTKdAfMQ4y7NiKr4TkYL9qhX-gUMpsIr5qgKeBS9gXa1E3fvGXO4cl4A3EieTZKNxCJCI5Qg$>: one for the sessions "DOME federated providers and marketplaces" with indications/suggestions on the expected content (surely slides can be added if needed, but bear in mind that we have only 10 mins for each presentation and it'll be very challenging);  another general template is provided for all the other sessions. Important to highlight to all the speakers that Q&A time is included in the slot, thus, please, consider this when preparing and checking the timing of your presentations.

Once are ready, please upload the presentations to the folders: Day 1 presentations<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/engit.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/DOME-repo-temporary/Documenti*20condivisi/General/Meetings/2023.02.8-9*20Rome*20Kickoff*20Meeting/presentations*20-*20day*201?csf=1&web=1&e=ymcAgr__;JSUlJSUlJQ!!LQkDIss!UhJOy4ieGxzntcpKqkQTKdAfMQ4y7NiKr4TkYL9qhX-gUMpsIr5qgKeBS9gXa1E3fvGXO4cl4A3EieTZKNzH86VF7A$>, Day 2 presentations<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/engit.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/DOME-repo-temporary/Documenti*20condivisi/General/Meetings/2023.02.8-9*20Rome*20Kickoff*20Meeting/presentations*20-*20day*202?csf=1&web=1&e=QFWhJG__;JSUlJSUlJQ!!LQkDIss!UhJOy4ieGxzntcpKqkQTKdAfMQ4y7NiKr4TkYL9qhX-gUMpsIr5qgKeBS9gXa1E3fvGXO4cl4A3EieTZKNznwVulAA$>
Important request: please fill-in by Friday 3rd the list of participants (at this link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/engit.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/DOME-repo-temporary/Documenti*20condivisi/General/Meetings/2023.02.8-9*20Rome*20Kickoff*20Meeting/DOME*20F2F*20KOM*20February*202023*20-*20Attendance*20list.xlsx?d=we57ee6f42d344e3fb31394c512f399a6&csf=1&web=1&e=5Nx9FM__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!LQkDIss!UhJOy4ieGxzntcpKqkQTKdAfMQ4y7NiKr4TkYL9qhX-gUMpsIr5qgKeBS9gXa1E3fvGXO4cl4A3EieTZKNxHwSYVtg$>) with the names of those who will physically attend the meeting (plus useful info about any special dietary requirements, also needed for logistic organization).  Note that we will give the possibility to follow the meeting via remote connection (we'll send you details to join via teams) but we do expect the speakers to be  there in person.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have access problems.

With thanks and kind regards


Laura Pucci
laura.pucci at eng.it<mailto:laura.pucci at eng.it>

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA
Mob.: +39-345.6225393
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