[DOME] R: Consortium Agreement V08 for approval

Antonio J. Jara jara at libelium.com
Thu Feb 23 21:31:41 CET 2023


El jue, 23 feb 2023, 17:38, Giovanni Trombetta <giovanni.trombetta at eht.eu>

> Good job Laura.
> For EHT is ok
> Let's close without delay.
> All my best.
> Giovanni
> *Giovanni Trombetta *
> *Research & Innovation Senior Executive*
> Viale Africa, 31 – 95129 Catania
> *M:* +39 335 7198094
> *T:*   +39 095 8738 230
> *F**:  * +39 095 8738 234
> *E:  * *giovanni.trombetta at eht.eu <giovanni.trombetta at eht.eu>*
> *W: * www.eht.eu
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> all'indirizzo mittente.
> *Da:* cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org <
> cloud-marketplace-proposal-bounces at lists.fiware.org> *Per conto di *Laura
> Pucci
> *Inviato:* giovedì 23 febbraio 2023 16:56
> *A:* cloud-marketplace-proposal at lists.fiware.org; sguillen at mysphera.com;
> ricardo.martin at elliotcloud.com; oscar.ruiz at elliotcloud.com;
> jose.morales at elliotcloud.com; jose.diaz at elliotcloud.com;
> janie.banos at dekra.com; psala at mysphera.com; ruben.lirio at dekra.com;
> carmina.bocanegra at elliotcloud.com; cdomingo at mysphera.com
> *Oggetto:* [DOME] Consortium Agreement V08 for approval
> Dear DOME partners representatives
> please kindly find attached the version 08 of the Consortium Agreement, in
> which are included and merged also the comments received on the previous
> version.  I'm circulating both the version in track-changes and  the
> "clean" one (which will be used as final version if no additional
> objections will be raised). In the track-changes version, modifications
> included in the V08 are clearly labelled (V08) so to make easier the
> confrontation between  V07 and V08. Each comment reports the partner(s)
> that requested the specific modification and, in some cases, also a brief
> explanation on the reason why a given text was rephrased or rejected.
> Major changes in V08 impacted on the following sections:
> 4.4.    Specific responsibilities regarding data protection
> 5.    Liability towards each other
> 6.3.3.    Decisions without a meeting
> 6.5.3. Tasks
> 6.3.3.    Decisions without a meeting
> 6.8.    External Expert Advisor
> 9.4.1.    Access Rights to Results
> 9.8.2.    General principles
> 9.8.3.    Access to Software
>    Results - Rights of a Party
> Regarding *attachment 1 - Background included,  *please note that I
> corrected the table headers according to the CA template which mention
> Art. 16.4  and  Annex 5 of the Grant Agreement (in particular those added
> since your tables referred to other articles).
> Please make sure to double-check the Agreement and kindly let us have your *
> explicit approval or disapproval by March 2nd  *
>  If we gather green light from all partners, we'll proceed with the
> signature process as agreed.
> At your disposal for any doubt you may have.
> Regards,
> Laura
> Il 26/01/2023 17:59, Laura Pucci ha scritto:
> Dear Partner Representatives
> please find attached the updated version of the DOME Consortium Agreement
> (v0.7) which includes requested changes gathered from you. Kindly note that
> those modifications that were in conflict with the project Grant Agreement
> were not accepted.
> Comments in the document report for each change the Partner(s) that asked
> for it (except for those changes needed to rephrase and/or better clarify
> the text). The attachment is in track-changes, thus it'll be easier for you
> to double-check it.
> Needless to say that all modifications must be carefully validated, but
> let me highlight some relevant sections that were modified:
>    -  4.4.    Specific responsibilities regarding data protection
>    - 6.3.7.    Decisions of the General Assembly
>    - 6.6.1.         Members [*of the TMC*]
>    - 7.2.2.    Payment Schedule
>    - 8.2.    Joint ownership
>    - 9.4.1.    Access Rights to Results
>    - 9.8.2.    General principles
>    - 9.8.3.    Access to Software
>    -    Results - Rights of a Party
>    - 12.    Signatures
> I kindly remind to partners wanting to include any identified background
> to compile the template table in *Attachment 1: Background included *(as
> indicated in the comment) and send us back (in track-changes) to be added
> in the final version.
> Concerning the *signature*, as you will read from the paragraph added in
> the specific section, we propose an agreement to *accept both electronic
> or scanned handwritten signatures *of the CA. If accepted, Engineering
> will produce the final version of CA including signature pages of all
> partners, whether they are electronically or manually signed.
> Let me also clarify that in order to start with the signature process, the
> Consortium has to agree on the final version of the document. Thus, please,
> kindly wait for Engineering to circulate the final CA before sending your
> signatures.
> *Deadline to send us back your comments or approval to this version is
> January 31st EoB.*
> At your disposal for additional clarifications regarding modifications
> that were not included or any other question you may have.
> Kindest regards,
> Laura
> --
> *Laura Pucci*
> laura.pucci at eng.it
> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA*
> Mob.: +39-345.6225393
> www.eng.it
> --
> *Laura Pucci*
> laura.pucci at eng.it
> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA*
> Mob.: +39-345.6225393
> www.eng.it
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