[ff-all] Gold Members’ Community Call - March 22 - Agenda Sneak Preview

Valdirene De Oliveira valdirene.deoliveira at fiware.org
Tue Mar 16 11:22:09 CET 2021

*Dear Gold Members,*

As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, this call has been given a facelift to
further meet the needs and aspirations of each one of you as gathered
through your answers to the questionnaire. In 2021 and in the years ahead,
we want to continue to increase the value we provide to our Gold members,
and this call helps inform future strategies that will improve our
offerings, the value of your membership, and how we can further foster
collaboration and engagement between all Gold Members.

With this aim in mind, we trust that you will join us on March 22
<https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/167487413>. Below you find the agenda
of topics to be addressed, so that you can plan your participation or
suggest a member of your team. Without further ado, here is what you can
expect from our Board of Officers (BoO) and Board of Directors (BoD) next

   - *13:00-13:15 (CET)*: What's new within the Foundation and the FIWARE
   ecosystem - *Ulrich Ahle* (CEO, FIWARE Foundation)
   - *13:15-13:30 (CET)*: News from the BoD and opportunities for Gold
   members to bring forward topics of interest to the BoD - *José Benitez*
   (Member, BoD)
   - *13:30-13:55 (CET)*: Gold Members’ tailored engagement session
      - *13:30-13:40 (CET)*: Gold Members’ survey results overview - *Stefano
      De Panfilis*, (COO, FIWARE Foundation)
      - *13:40-13:55 (CET)*: Gold Members' space to express themselves:
      Let's boost community engagement and success, moderated by *José
      Benitez* (Member, BoD)
   - *13:55-14:00 (CET)*: Wrap-up and next steps - *Ulrich Ahle* (CEO,
   FIWARE Foundation) and *José Benitez* (Member, BoD)

We look forward to seeing you on March 22

All the best,
*The FIWARE Foundation BoO and BoD's Gold Members Representatives*

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