[ff-all] Updated invitation: Gold Members Community Call_Edition 6 (Ed.1_2021) @ Mon Mar 22, 2021 1pm - 2pm (CET) (ff-all at lists.fiware.org)

valdirene.deoliveira at fiware.org valdirene.deoliveira at fiware.org
Wed Mar 17 11:36:43 CET 2021

This event has been changed.

Title: Gold Members Community Call_Edition 6 (Ed.1_2021)
Below is the agenda of topics to be addressed on March 22, so that you  
can plan your participation or suggest a respective member of your team.  
Below is what you can expect from our Board of Officers (BoO) and  
Board of Directors (BoD):13:00-13:15 (CET): What's new within the  
Foundation - Ulrich Ahle (CEO, FIWARE Foundation)13:15-13:30  
(CET): News from the BoD and what topics members are expected to bring to  
such calls in the future - José Benitez (Member, BoD)15:30:15:55  
(CET): Gold Members’ tailored engagement session15:30-15:40 (CET): Gold  
Members’ survey results overview - Stefano De Panfilis, (COO, FIWARE  
Foundation)15:40-15:55 (CET): Open discussion on community  
engagement-related topics, moderated by José Benitez (Member,  
BoD)15:55-16:00 (CET): Wrap-up and next steps - Ulrich Ahle (CEO,  
FIWARE Foundation)-----Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet  
or smartphone.https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/167487413You can also  
dial in using your phone.Germany: +49 721 6059 6510Access  
Code: 167-487-413More phone numbers:United States: +1 (571)  
317-3116Austria: +43 7 2081 5337Belgium: +32 28 93  
7002Brazil: +55 11 4118-4898Bulgaria: +359 2 906  
0606Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373Colombia: +57 1 600 9954Czech  
Republic: +420 2 96 21 62 28Denmark: +45 32 72 03  
69France: +33 170 950 590Greece: +30 21 0 300  
2693Ireland: +353 15 295 146Italy: +39 0 230 57 81  
80Luxembourg: +352 34 2080 9220Malaysia: +60 3 7724  
4060Mexico: +52 55 4624 4518Netherlands: +31 207 941 375New  
Zealand: +64 9 913 2226Spain: +34 932 75 1230Sweden: +46 853  
527 818Switzerland: +41 225 4599 60Turkey: +90 212 900 4812United  
Kingdom: +44 20 3713 5011New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be  
ready when your first meeting  
starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/167487413 (changed)
When: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1pm – 2pm Central European Time - Berlin
Where: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/167487413
Calendar: ff-all at lists.fiware.org
     (Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)

Event details:  

Invitation from Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/

You are receiving this courtesy email at the account  
ff-all at lists.fiware.org because you are an attendee of this event.

To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event.  
Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at  
https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ and control your notification  
settings for your entire calendar.

Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to  
the organizer and be added to the guest list, or invite others regardless  
of their own invitation status, or to modify your RSVP. Learn more at  
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