[ff-all] (no subject)

Ulrich Ahle ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
Wed Mar 24 17:40:20 CET 2021

Dear colleagues,

there has been a lot of movement this week on the federal government's
proposed Corona pandemic measures. According to decisions made today, Wednesday
noon, Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter) will now be considered a
normal working day after all in Germany.

Further measures to contain the Corona pandemic have been extended until
April 18. Over Easter, the aim is to continue to *reduce all contacts*. The
reason for this is the sharp increase in the number of infections due to
the virus variant B.1.1.7, which is now prevalent in Germany.

In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the following points
in particular:

We still recommend working from *home *if possible. For colleagues who
absolutely have to work from our office in Berlin please observe the rules
layed out there.

At the moment, the accommodation ban still applies in Germany, and many
countries are designated as risk areas due to high infection rates or
mutations. We follow the request of the German government to refrain from
non-essential business and private travel. Should you nevertheless have to
travel, please inform yourself in advance and also during your stay about
the current status of the destinations classified as risk areas and, if
applicable, entry regulations.

The planned Easter vacation trip to the mountains, the city trip or even
the long-planned long-distance trip: Corona is currently thwarting our
travel plans again. Nevertheless, use the time to take a vacation, to
relax, to take a break from everyday life. Relaxation and recovery times
are especially important in the ongoing crisis to recharge your batteries,
even if it means 'staycation' - vacation from home. The pandemic has
demanded an enormous amount from all of us for about a year now.
Nevertheless, we thank you for your continuous engagement for our
joined endeavor, committed to our work and our private lives.

Take care and stay healthy.

Best Regards

Ulrich Ahle and the Board of Officers

FIWARE Foundation
Franklinstrasse 13 A
10587 Berlin - Germany

phone: +49-174-1533348
mail: ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
twitter: @AhleFIWARE
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