[Ficore-legal] FI-Core (632893): Signed FORM-A & Pre-financing payment

JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ javier.depedrosanchez at telefonica.com
Wed Oct 29 23:13:57 CET 2014

Dear all, this e-mail is to inform you about the status of the signed FORM-A and the pre-financing payment of the FI-Core project (632893):

1- Signed FORM-A:

Today we have sent to the EC all the signed FORM-A that we have received so far today. Please find attached the scanned copies.

[cid:image004.jpg at 01CFF3CD.DF690240]

·         Regarding 04-IBM and 10-NEC, these beneficiaries will sign it after agreeing on a pending clause in the Consortium Agreement. We are still working on it.

·         Regarding 07-TCS, they have not sent it to us yet because their internal process of signature is taking more time than expected.

IMPORTANT -> Please send to subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es> your full address for sending back by post your FORM-A copy, signed by you and by the Coordinator too.

2.- Pre-financing payment:

On October 20th, 2014 we ordered the following bank transfers:
                [cid:image005.png at 01CFF392.2861B320]

Could you please confirm to us the reception of the transfer?

On November 5th, 2014 we are going to order the following bank transfers:
                [cid:image006.png at 01CFF392.2861B320]

On November 20th, 2014 we expect to order the following pending payments:  (We’ll need to receive the duly signed documentation before)
                [cid:image007.png at 01CFF392.2861B320]

Thank you for your collaboration.


De: subsidies-bounces at tid.es [mailto:subsidies-bounces at tid.es] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014 12:42
Para: Technology Foundation proposal; ficore-legal at lists.fi-ware.org
CC: subsidies at tid.es
Asunto: [Subsidies] FI-Core (632893): Pending signed FORM-A
Importancia: Alta

Dear all, there are still signed FORM- A pending to be received. Please, let me reminder you that we need to receive them by October 17th.

The current status is shown in the following table:
[cid:image001.png at 01CFF38C.629EF7B0]

Nevertheless, according the Grant Agreement 632893 (FI-Core), I’m glad to inform you that we are working on the pre-financing payment.
The schedule of this payment is as follows:
1.- October 20th, 2014: 100% of the pre-financing payment to each partner who has provided the duly signed FORM-A and the Financial Identification by October 14th, 2014 (EOB).
2.- November 5th, 2014: 100% of the pre-financing payment to each partner who has provided the duly signed FORM-A and the Financial Identification between October 15th and October 29th (EOB), 2014.
3.- Documents received out of dates will be studied.

Thank you very much.

De: ppp-tf-proposal-bounces at tid.es<mailto:ppp-tf-proposal-bounces at tid.es> [mailto:ppp-tf-proposal-bounces at tid.es] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014 17:38
Para: Technology Foundation proposal; ficore-legal at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:ficore-legal at lists.fi-ware.org>
CC: subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es>
Asunto: Re: [PPP-TF-proposal] FI-Core (632893): Grant Agreement - Signed
Importancia: Alta

Dear all, please find attached the scanned version of the contract, signed by the Coordinator and the Commission.

Please don’t forget to send your signed FORM-A to us (see e-mail below) by October 17th, 2014. (The sooner the better.)

Thank you very much.


De: subsidies-bounces at tid.es<mailto:subsidies-bounces at tid.es> [mailto:subsidies-bounces at tid.es] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: martes, 09 de septiembre de 2014 12:45
Para: Technology Foundation proposal
CC: LUIS GARCIA GARCIA; subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es>
Asunto: [Subsidies] FI-Core (632893): Grant Agreement
Importancia: Alta

Dear all, I’m glad to inform you that TID has signed the grant agreement of the FI-Core Project and it has been sent to the Commission today.
Please find attached the grant agreement (and the signed one by TID) and its annexes.
Please notice that we couldn’t update the address/data of the beneficiaries 13, 15, 16 and 24 as requested. It has to be done by the LEAR of each company on NEF directly. The signature doesn’t depend on them because these data could be updated during the project.

The Commission has warned us that there is still pending to be received the signed A2.5 of the beneficiary 8 (TS). As soon as the Commission has been received it, they will start the signature process of the grant agreement. The pre-financing payment will be done only when the grant agreement has been signed.

As soon as we’ve received the signed grant agreement from the Commission, we’ll send it to you.

Meanwhile, I kindly ask you to:
                1.- Print, sign and stamp three copies of the FORM-A (blue pen please) (Pleae, only the page of the FORM-A of your company. The document contains all the FORM-A of the Consortium)
                2.- Sign by you and by the bank the attached template of the Financial Identification. (Please take in account that the Accounting Department of Telefonica needs the original one)
                3.- Send the above original 4 copies to the following address by express courier (please not by post):
Att: Javier de Pedro Sánchez
c/ Ronda de la Comunicación
Distrito Telefónica
Edificio Oeste 1, planta 8
28050 Madrid

Note: There are slight differences in the DoW that the last one we have sent to you on August 20th, due to Commission’s requests:
                1.- The pictures on page 199 have been updated with better quality.

2.- Wording: On page 203, “together with the EC” has been removed from the sentence “FI-Core will determine, together with the EC whether this allocated effort is enough".
3.- For Atos and its third party, in addition to the split in person months, we have added a split in costs and funding
4.- The number of the deliverable D11.4- FI-WARE global-level Backlog, has been decreased.
                5.- The number of the deliverable D12(13,14,15,16,17,18).6 - Product Backlog, has been decreased.
                6.- The number of the deliverable D42.3 - Report on Collaboration Framework with EIT ICT Labs, has been increased.
7.- Wording: The budget of 60k€ for managing the Open Calls is been allocated under “Other Direct Costs”

Thank you.
Javier (Telefónica I+D)


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