[Fiware-campusero] Proposal on challenges to be launch associated to FI-WARE/FI-LAB

Esther Paniagua esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com
Wed Oct 2 14:51:54 CEST 2013

I think Stefano is right. In fact, from the beginning, our idea (from the
side of Futura) for the second phase have been to organize a third
challenge, more social, as "Smart Society" or "Smart for a better society"

2013/10/2 stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>

> dear juanjo,
> to me is not completely clear, although you say so, the difference between
> smart cities and smart business.
> what is smart business: making applications with high business impact?
> what i mean is that the second should be the ultimate goal also for the
> first and for the overall challange you have in mind for the last contest,
> i.e. all the solutions proposed should have a good, i'd rather say the best
> possible, usage of fi-ware technologies and also good marketability
> proposing high innovative solutions.
> so if this is correct, i think for the first contest we have just one
> topic.
> for the second i'd like to propose and this for young people could be
> really interesting applications for ageing people. this is one of the most
> social challenge we are going to face in the next coming years and the eyes
> of the fi-ware community on this topic would be seen as a strong signal of
> being from us in line with the current needs of the worl population.
> i think also an eye should be put on environment and society.
> my two cents.
> ciao,
> stefano
> 2013/10/1 Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>
>>  Hi all,
>>   Futura Networks will send an email with further details, but let me
>> briefly describe what they have proposed and we need to approve this week.
>>   As you know, there were aprox. 870 K€ in prizes to be consumed until
>> end of the proyect.   Of these 870 K€, 17.500€ were consumed in Campus
>> Party Europe in London (2.500 € of one of the special awards were not given
>> away).
>>   The idea is now to launch a number of challenges which will be run
>> along a number of months.   We would start launching two thematic
>> challenges, one focused on Smart Cities and another one focused on Smart
>> Businesses.
>>   The two challenges would be launched this week and we would define a
>> deadline (mid November) to collect proposals.   Proposers who accompany
>> their ideas with proof of concepts developed on FI-LAB, etc will be given
>> preference.    In December we would select 20 proposals for each of the
>> challenges and we will invite two people of each of the selected teams to
>> travel to the Campus Party Brasil, early February 2014.
>>   The selected teams attending the Campus Party Brasil event will run a
>> final there so that the final prizes are given away:
>>    - 1st prize: 75 K€
>>    - 2nd prize: 40 K€
>>    - third prize: 20 K€
>>    - two additional special awards (e.g., "Young developer"): 5.000 €
>>    each
>>   During the Campus Party Brasil event we would launch the second round
>> of challenges, targeted to be given away at the Campus Party Europe (most
>> likely to take place in Spain during July 2014).   A similar schema would
>> be followed.   We would define an interim milestone to select the 40 best
>> proposals and pay them the travel expenses to Campus Party Europe where a
>> final would take place.
>>   There are several options for this second round of challenges, we may
>> go for thematic challenges (we didn't have too appealing themes) or we may
>> go for a big contest to be referred as "FI-WARE Excellence Awards" (with
>> total 290K€ in prizes) where there would not be restriction about the theme
>> to be addressed and focus would be given on finding the applications that
>> make best usage of FI-WARE technologies.   Another possibility is to find
>> another two thematic challenges, or do a mix: run one thematic challenge
>> and one "FI-WARE Excellenge Awards" (in this case, each with 145 K€ in
>> prizes).
>>   Personally, I would go fo a single challenge on "FI-WARE Excellence
>> Awards" with total 290 K€ in prizes, but your feedback is welcome.
>>   The launch of the first two challenges on Smart Cities and Smart
>> Businesses (with 145 K€ in prizes each) look more clear to me and, since we
>> are running a bit out of time, I would go for advertising them at the
>> Campusero Community this Thursday 17:00 unless anyone has an objection.
>>   Cheers,
>> -- Juanjo
>> -------------
>> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
>> website: www.tid.es
>> email: jhierro at tid.es
>> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
>> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
>> and Chief Architect
>> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
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>>   website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
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> --
> Stefano De Panfilis
> Chief Innovation Officer
> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
> via Riccardo Morandi 32
> 00148 Roma
> Italy
> tel (direct): +39-068307-4295
> tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513
> fax: +39-068307-4200
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Esther Paniagua
Coordinadora de Campus Labs
Futura Networks
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