[Fiware-campusero] Proposal on challenges to be launch associated to FI-WARE/FI-LAB

Raúl Sánchez raul.sanchez at futuranetworks.com
Thu Oct 31 16:20:08 CET 2013

Dear all,
Today the first two of the four FI-WARE Challenges will be launched through all our social media channels and and FI-WARE channels . Smart Cities and Smart Business will be the first ones. You will receive today all the info related to the Challenges. We hope that social networks will be on fire after this huge launching. It is going to be contest with the highest prizes ever launched... 
We think that the success of this Challenges action it is a huge opportunity to all the FI-WARE Consortium members to disseminate what is FI-WARE and arouse the interest of developers about FI-WARE in all the world. We are putting all of our best efforts to make it possible.
Amongs all the channels that we will use, the Consortium members could play also an important role. We hope and we willl request from you all of your support in this action.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and I hope to see you in the Final that it will take place in Campus Party Brasil in Sao Paulo from January 26 to February 2nd. www. <http://www.campus-party.com.br> campus-party.com.br 

Best from Madrid and have a nice long weekend.
Raúl Sánchez, PhD
Raúl Sánchez 
Corporate & Government Affairs 
Futura Networks & Campus Party

www.campus-party.org <http://www.campus-party.org/>   

Madrid, Spain 

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De: fiware-campusero-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-campusero-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] En nombre de Davide Dalle Carbonare
Enviado el: jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013 15:05
Para: Esther Paniagua
CC: fiware-campusero at lists.fi-ware.eu
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-campusero] Proposal on challenges to be launch associated to FI-WARE/FI-LAB

Dear Esther,
    sorry to push again on this ... it's important for me to know if challenges have
been officially launched and relative details as far as I may have the possibility
to present them at an event in few weeks from now.

thank you and
kind regards,

On 25/10/2013 15:32, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:

Dear Esther,
    first of all, thank you for the work you're doing.

I would like to know if Smart Challenges have been officially launched in Santander and,
if yes, if is it possible to update the page of FI-WARE web site reporting the details
of these challenges. 

thak you,

On 14/10/2013 20:40, Esther Paniagua wrote:

Dear partners:

Thanks to all of you for sharing your views about the challenges. I understand them and I’d like to clarify the issue that Philipp is mentioning regarding the amount of time that involves to create a prototype “only” to participate in a challenge. As it is not something that is going to happen in the first phase -that consists on a call for ideas- only the 20 candidates of each challenge that pass to this next phase will have to develop such prototype. Then, this 20 candidates will have real possibilities to win the prize to finance their idea.

We have no more time to spend because we need to take the final decision. I attach a draft post with the information that would be published to launch the first two prizes (Smart Cities an Smart Business) that will be deeply defined in the registration page with the instructions and the legal basis. Maybe the post is useful for you to understand the idea better. Juanjo is working on the technical specifications of each challenge too, so it will be for help too.

Attending to your worries, I suggest to include in the description of eath challenge, as well as in the post, a mention about our aim regarding the start-ups creation, in order to clarify our objective and to define better the kind of projects that we look for (that is, proposals that may have a real impact while being feasible).

Please, send us additional comments before tomorrow evening. We'd like to take the opportunity to launch the challenges during the FI-WARE event in Santander this week, so we have to be very agile.

Thanks for all in advance :)


Esther Paniagua
Coordinadora de Campus Labs
Futura Networks

2013/10/6 stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>

dear juanjo,

i perfectly agree with your answer, and exactly becouse of that, the
approach you explained should be better emphasised in the call for the

i think also the idea of funnelling the proposals with an
intermediatery step is important and gives to the context the level of
attractiveness for smes that philipp is aiming at. again also this
should be well formalised and explained in the call for the context.


2013/10/6 Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>:

> Dear Philipp,
>   What you say maybe true for the kind of hackathons you run at a Campus
> Party event, i.e., hackathons that start and end at the event.   We all
> agree that we shouldn't go for too high prizes at those hackathons and we
> won't.
>   However, what it will be launched this time is different.   It pretends to
> be something that implies funding a more complete development, that's why it
> lasts several months.  A different matter is that we define an intermediate
> milestone that will help to perform a first selection of contestants who
> will be paid to travel to Campus Party Brasil to run the final (they are
> expected to evolve whatever proof of concept they have developed at that
> time but this will give them a signal that it's worth investing and continue
> the development because at least they will be able to showcase their
> application in the Campus Party Brasil event which may help them to gain
> some visibility for their application).
>   Startups or SMEs who have an application already in mind (or have
> developed some early versions of it) and believe incorporation of FI-WARE
> technologies could fit in their architecture evolution plan are welcome to
> participate in these challenges and they are indeed our target audience.
>   To some extend, these challenges will follow a formula very similar to
> what are going to be the Open Calls targeted to SMEs in Call 3 (Use Case
> Expansion projects) and indeed I believe we will extract very interesting
> lessons during the process.
>   Last but not least, despite you may have the impression that the
> contestants to the FI-WARE prizes in Campus Party Europe in London where
> simply students or people who just wanted to play and see whether they could
> win some prize at the event, it was interesting to learn that some of them
> are already planning (or in the process) of running a startup ... and they
> expressed their interest to learn whether usage of FI-WARE technologies
> could help them to catch some funding.
>   Best regards,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website: www.tid.es
> email: jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
> and Chief Architect
> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
> On 06/10/13 11:14, Philipp Slusallek wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for being (too?) late with my response but we had a big review
> last week as well as a long weekend due to a national holiday.
> This is the first time I hear about these plans of attracting developers
> and I am not too convinced about this concept at all. So here are my 2
> cents worth.
> Competitions are only attractive to really small groups developers who
> can work on this in their spare time, such as students or hobbyists. Its
> not too interesting for serious SMEs or Web entrepreneurs that struggle
> to keep their income and cannot spend weeks of time building a prototype
> for a competition where its is a big gamble whether to get any return on
> the investment. Anyone with a serious business plan and idea, better
> stays focused on getting this to work. Google, facebook, etc. were not
> founded through a competition. The goal for FI-WARE should therefore not
> be to target people that "gamble" but helping people with a solid
> business idea to more successfully execute it in the context and with
> the support of the FI-PPP.
> A special exception may be open source developers that work for the
> "greater good". But if this is the target (which might actually be a
> good idea, similar to the Google Summer of Code) than the whole thing
> should be structured differently. Google, for example, does not hand out
> price money but funds the execution of the best and brightest ideas.
> This actually helps getting the good ideas implemented and does not just
> hand over big sums of money.
> When we are targeting small developers through the competitions then a
> price money of several tens of k€ seems way too high. This are likely
> not the people that necessarily will create a start-up or other business
> idea around their project with this money. It takes way more than a
> quick good idea to be economically successful and I would even say that
> we should not even encourage such a development.
> Maybe I am too harsh about the campuseros and missing the point here (I
> was not at the event). But it is consistent with what I have heard and
> is also the clear opinion in FI-Content after quite long discussions
> about exactly this topic. There we also have competitions but the price
> money is way smaller. Also our competitions are only a small addition to
> our other activities targeting a very different audience (students etc.,
> see above) than we do with the OpenCall or Phase-III, where we
> specifically target different groups of serious developers with very
> different means and therefore necessarily more money per proposal.
> I realize it is late and there is not a lot of time to still change
> anything. Anyway, I believe its worth considering and maybe taking into
> account to the degree still possible.
> Best,
>       Philipp
> Am 02.10.2013 00:06, schrieb Esther Paniagua:
> Hi all,
> I'm Esther Paniagua, coordinator of Campus Labs at Futura Networks.
> I'm attaching a post that we've prepared for the launching of the two
> first challenges, that may be of help to understand the process.
> Thanks!
> 2013/10/1 Davide Dalle Carbonare <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
> <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>>
>     Dear Juanjo,
>         the format sounds good to me, I think the first two challenges,
>     for the first round are fine.
>     I wait for additional details especially regarding the final phase
>     at Campus Party.
>     kind regards,
>     Davide
>     On 01/10/2013 17:53, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
>     Hi all,
>       Futura Networks will send an email with further details, but let
>     me briefly describe what they have proposed and we need to approve
>     this week.
>       As you know, there were aprox. 870 K€ in prizes to be consumed
>     until end of the proyect.   Of these 870 K€, 17.500€ were consumed
>     in Campus Party Europe in London (2.500 € of one of the special
>     awards were not given away).
>       The idea is now to launch a number of challenges which will be
>     run along a number of months.   We would start launching two
>     thematic challenges, one focused on Smart Cities and another one
>     focused on Smart Businesses.
>       The two challenges would be launched this week and we would
>     define a deadline (mid November) to collect proposals.   Proposers
>     who accompany their ideas with proof of concepts developed on
>     FI-LAB, etc will be given preference.    In December we would
>     select 20 proposals for each of the challenges and we will invite
>     two people of each of the selected teams to travel to the Campus
>     Party Brasil, early February 2014.
>       The selected teams attending the Campus Party Brasil event will
>     run a final there so that the final prizes are given away:
>       * 1st prize: 75 K€
>       * 2nd prize: 40 K€
>       * third prize: 20 K€
>       * two additional special awards (e.g., "Young developer"): 5.000
>         € each
>       During the Campus Party Brasil event we would launch the second
>     round of challenges, targeted to be given away at the Campus Party
>     Europe (most likely to take place in Spain during July 2014).   A
>     similar schema would be followed.   We would define an interim
>     milestone to select the 40 best proposals and pay them the travel
>     expenses to Campus Party Europe where a final would take place.
>       There are several options for this second round of challenges,
>     we may go for thematic challenges (we didn't have too appealing
>     themes) or we may go for a big contest to be referred as "FI-WARE
>     Excellence Awards" (with total 290K€ in prizes) where there would
>     not be restriction about the theme to be addressed and focus would
>     be given on finding the applications that make best usage of
>     FI-WARE technologies.   Another possibility is to find another two
>     thematic challenges, or do a mix: run one thematic challenge and
>     one "FI-WARE Excellenge Awards" (in this case, each with 145 K€ in
>     prizes).
>       Personally, I would go fo a single challenge on "FI-WARE
>     Excellence Awards" with total 290 K€ in prizes, but your feedback
>     is welcome.
>       The launch of the first two challenges on Smart Cities and Smart
>     Businesses (with 145 K€ in prizes each) look more clear to me and,
>     since we are running a bit out of time, I would go for advertising
>     them at the Campusero Community this Thursday 17:00 unless anyone
>     has an objection.
>       Cheers,
>     -- Juanjo
>     -------------
>     Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
>     website: www.tid.es <http://www.tid.es>
>     email: jhierro at tid.es <mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
>     twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro <http://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
>     FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
>     and Chief Architect
>     FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
>     You can follow FI-WARE at:
>       website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
>       facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>       twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>       linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
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> --
> Esther Paniagua
> Coordinadora de Campus Labs
> Futura Networks
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Stefano De Panfilis
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