[Fiware-cloud] Fw: D.12.5.2 FIWARE Installation and Administration Guides (Cloud).zip

FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com
Wed Oct 5 08:25:31 CEST 2016

I translate from .md/.rst to latex and compile it to generate pdf format. I think that of you have .md file format it is made by ReadTheDocs.


From: <fiware-cloud-bounces at lists.fiware.org> on behalf of Kenneth Nagin <NAGIN at il.ibm.com>
Date: Wednesday, 5 October 2016 at 07:05
To: "fiware-cloud at lists.fiware.org" <fiware-cloud at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: [Fiware-cloud] Fw: D.12.5.2 FIWARE Installation and Administration Guides (Cloud).zip

Miguel does not like our Installation and Admin guides.  I expect we will get the same unfavorable review on the user guides.

Your manuals seem to have past his review.  What tool did you use to generate the manuals?

Best Regards,

Kenneth Nagin
Ph: +972-4-8296227
Cell: 054-6976227
Fx: +972-4- 8296114

----- Forwarded by Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM on 05/10/2016 08:02 AM -----

From:        MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
To:        Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
Cc:        JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA <josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com>
Date:        04/10/2016 06:14 PM
Subject:        Re: D.12.5.2 FIWARE Installation and Administration Guides (Cloud).zip

Dear Kenneth,

I took a look myself. Unfortunately I see this well below the level of maturity that I expected.

The "general" documents  (sort, easy to edit) were plagued with mistakes from it seems a rushed review of the one delivered in R4 since there are mentions to R4 instead of R5. I corrected them myself together with other details and they should be suitable for delivery. This message is not about them.

The blocker comes when I see the individual manuals. Overall, they are unacceptable and I wonder why they were sent as the final delivery.

  *   Cloud portal installation manual- what format is this? It seems to come from readsthedocs. Why was it rendered like this? Please follow the guidelines to render from readthedocs properly
  *   Docker installation manual -  what format is this? Render from readthedocs properly
  *   Object Storage installation manual -  what format is this?
  *   Cloud portal user manual- what format is this? It seems to come from readsthedocs. Why was it rendered like this? Please follow the guidelines
  *   Docker user manual - wrong format. Render from readthedocs properly
  *   Cloud portal installation manual -  what format is this?. Render from readthedocs properly
Best regards


El 29/09/2016 a las 16:06, Kenneth Nagin escribió:

Best Regards,

Kenneth Nagin
Ph: +972-4-8296227
Cell: 054-6976227
Fx: +972-4- 8296114

From:        MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com><mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
To:        JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA <josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com><mailto:josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com>
Cc:        Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
Date:        29/09/2016 04:43 PM
Subject:        Re: D.12.5.2 FIWARE Installation and Administration Guides (Cloud).zip


José Manuel?

I presume that you made a quick review and started to see wrong links and stopped. Theoretically this should be reviewed internally in cloud prior to delivery so we would always expect this clean... Jose Manuel, can you provide more info? I guess that you'll send a couple of examples but not an exhaustive list.

El 29/09/2016 a las 14:42, Kenneth Nagin escribió:
Could you be more specific.
Which links are to R4 components?
Which pdfs are problematic?

Best Regards,

Kenneth Nagin
Ph: +972-4-8296227
Cell: 054-6976227
Fx: +972-4- 8296114

From:        MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com><mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
To:        Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
Date:        29/09/2016 03:33 PM
Subject:        Re: D.12.5.2 FIWARE Installation and Administration Guides (Cloud).zip


Dear Kenneth,

I have José Manuel's review.

Apparently,  there are links to R4 components . Also, wrong pdf file names

User manuals look good from his point of view(my review is pending)

El 28/09/2016 a las 16:45, Kenneth Nagin escribió:

Best Regards,

Kenneth Nagin
Ph: +972-4-8296227
Cell: 054-6976227
Fx: +972-4- 8296114


Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>

    _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
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  _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 6
 _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N
_/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain)
                                         Tel:  (+34) 91 312 94 15

                        e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>

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                        e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>

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 _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N
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                                         Tel:  (+34) 91 312 94 15

                        e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>

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