[Fiware-coaches] List of SMEs - spam problem

Silvio Cretti silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Thu Aug 6 13:29:54 CEST 2015

Dear Franck, all
I have been informed that in some cases the automatic email sent by the
tool goes into the spam folder (at least this is true for gmail). I think
it has something to do with the SPF records (
https://support.google.com/a/answer/33786) or something like that.
Just to let you know.
Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Franck Le Gall <
franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com> wrote:

> Dear coaches,
> As you can see from the Juanjo’s message on Basecamp, the FIWARE usage
> assessment survey is going to be launched soon.
> *To get your SMEs managed from the central FIWARE survey system, I need
> each coach to fill the attached file and send it back to me.*
> This is to help you to gather data from your SMEs. However, if you prefer
> to managed the survey process on your own, I can provide you access to the
> survey tool and make a copy of the survey that would be dedicated to your
> accelerator and under your control.
> Many thanks
> Franck
> Franck Le Gall
> Easy Global Market, COO
> 1047 Route des Dolines
> 06901 Sophia-Antiplois Cedex
> Mob : +33 | Skype : flegall
> FI-STAR  <http://www.fi-star.eu/>| Smart-Action
> <http://www.smart-action.eu/>  | ECIAO <http://www.euchina-fire.eu/> |
> FIWARE <http://www.fiware.org/> | FESTIVAL
> <http://www.festival-project.eu/> | U-TEST  <http://www.u-test.eu/>|
> FIESTA  <http://www.fiesta-iot.eu/>| PROTEUS
> <http://www.proteus-sensor.eu/>
> www.eglobalmark.com
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