Thank you for the feedback. Do other noticed similar issue ? I just made the test with my own gmail address and got it without issue. Also, I saw some google/gmail addresses in the received answers. Note: I updated info on answers received up to now in the googledoc: De : Silvio Cretti [mailto:silvio.cretti at] Envoyé : jeudi 6 août 2015 13:30 À : Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at> Cc : fiware-coaches at Objet : Re: [Fiware-coaches] List of SMEs - spam problem Dear Franck, all I have been informed that in some cases the automatic email sent by the tool goes into the spam folder (at least this is true for gmail). I think it has something to do with the SPF records ( or something like that. Just to let you know. Best regards, silvio On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at<mailto:franck.le-gall at>> wrote: Dear coaches, As you can see from the Juanjo’s message on Basecamp, the FIWARE usage assessment survey is going to be launched soon. To get your SMEs managed from the central FIWARE survey system, I need each coach to fill the attached file and send it back to me. This is to help you to gather data from your SMEs. However, if you prefer to managed the survey process on your own, I can provide you access to the survey tool and make a copy of the survey that would be dedicated to your accelerator and under your control. Many thanks Franck Franck Le Gall Easy Global Market, COO 1047 Route des Dolines 06901 Sophia-Antiplois Cedex Mob : +33<tel:%2B33%> | Skype : flegall FI-STAR <> | Smart-Action<> | ECIAO<> | FIWARE<> | FESTIVAL<> | U-TEST <> | FIESTA <> | PROTEUS<><> _______________________________________________ Fiware-coaches mailing list Fiware-coaches at<mailto:Fiware-coaches at> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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