[Fiware-coaches] FRANK: IMPORTANT FINAL CHECK BY FIWARE COACHES of questionnaire and evaluation dashboard to be used for FIWARE usage assessment

Silvio Cretti silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Sat Jul 25 08:09:27 CEST 2015

Hi Frank and Juanjo,
in order to speed up things, I already asked to my accelerator (CreatiFI)
the list of contacts of the SME (email address etc.), but the coordinator
answered that she prefers to have a formal communication to the A16 about
this survey (I guess through basecamp) before proceeding with this.
So I suggest to do that asap.
Thanks in advance and best regards,

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:48 PM, Franck Le Gall <
franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com> wrote:

>  Hi
> I will set it up on te LAMP server provided by Telefonica. I will finish
> install on Monday as its my office IP address which is registered in your
> firewall to access the server.
> However, I will develop the survey on another instance and deploy it on
> the server when ready.
> To move forward, I will also need:
> * From coach willing to get their SMEs being managed in the overall pool:
> please fill the attached Excel file and send it back to me
> * A volunteer to write the template of the e.mail that will be sent to
> SMEs; inviting them to fill the survey
> Kind regards
> Franck
> *De :* Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 24 juillet 2015 11:38
> *À :* Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>;
> fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Fiware-coaches] FRANK: IMPORTANT FINAL CHECK BY FIWARE
> COACHES of questionnaire and evaluation dashboard to be used for FIWARE
> usage assessment
> Hi Franck,
>   Have you configure the final version of the questionnaire with the
> latest comments in consideration?   I have checked
> http://survey-fiware.eglobalmark.com/ but it looks like it is not yet
> ready.
>   Will you finally setup the questionnaire in the dedicated LAMP server at
> survey.fiware.org deployed by José Ignacio?   I believe this only was
> awaiting for you to provide the IP addresses from which you will need to
> get root ssh access.   This way, José Ignacio can configure the firewall.
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
>  ______________________________________________________
> Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
> CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica
> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
> twitter: @JuanjoHierro
> You can follow FIWARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fiware.org
>   twitter:  @FIWARE
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>  On 22/07/15 23:19, Franck Le Gall wrote:
> Hello
> -> Answers can be downloaded as an excel file .See attached the file
> generated with some dummy answers. It can be copy/pasted to a google sheet
> afterward
> -> The scoreboard calculation could probably be made from the survey. I
> cannot not test it right now but will do it within few days.
> -> OK to add only the yes/planned/no questions only and run it from our
> server (as an alternative, if you tell me who is managing the fiware.org
> domain name at Telefonica, I can work with then to get a subdomain
> survey.fiware.org pointing toward our servers).
> However, we should not expect to receive many additional files from the
> company as people are in general reluctant to make efforts for the surveys.
> -> Regarding the ‘planned’ definition, here are the statements which were
> proposed from our FISTAR survey in relation with enablers selection
> ·         *I looked at this Enabler*
> ·         *I considered the Enabler to be relevant for my application*
> ·         *I integrated the Enabler into my application*
> ·         *I released a version of my application that used the Enabler*
> ·         *I want to sustain the use of the Enabler*
> ·         *Not considered*
> We could adapt this list in our case. As an example, the choices for the
> first question would be:
> *Are you using the FIWARE Lab cloud hosting capabilities (VMs, Object
> Storage, Blueprints)?*
> ·         *I use FIWARE Lab cloud hosting capabilities to run my
> application*
> ·         *I considered using FIWARE Lab cloud hosting capabilities to
> run my application but do not currently use it*
> ·         *I did not considered using FIWAREE lab cloud hosting
> capabilities*
> Kind regards
> Franck
> *De :* Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
> <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>]
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 22 juillet 2015 19:30
> *À :* Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>
> <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>; fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Fiware-coaches] FRANK: IMPORTANT FINAL CHECK BY FIWARE
> COACHES of questionnaire and evaluation dashboard to be used for FIWARE
> usage assessment
> Hi,
>   A couple of final questions regarding usage of the questionnaire tool
> ...  Once the questionnaire is fulfilled by all the SMEs/startups ...
>    - in which format is it going to be feasible to obtain the responses
>    to the questionnaire provided by a given SME/entrepreneur?
>    - Could we automate the process of filling the evaluation scorecard
>    based on Google docs, using the info gathered through the questionnaire?
>   Giving it a though, I believe that we may present a questionnaire where
> SMEs/entrepreneurs just provide the yes/planned/no answers to the questions
> using the questionnaire.   They would be asked to attach, at the end of the
> questionnaire, a .docx where the rationale behind each positive response
> should be provided.    Such document would be attached when the
> questionnaire is fulfilled.
>   To make things simpler, I would suggest that for this first round
> (probably we will have to run an additional assessment beginning of next
> year) we use the questionnaire setup in the server at eglobalmark.com.
> Frank: could you get the questionnaire prepared?  (there would not be
> fields for providing rationale but a .docx to be able to attach to the
> responses as explained earlier).
>   As with regards with a more detailed description of "planned" I believe
> we should just specify a deadline for materialization of the intents.
> What about explaining "planned" as: "not yet implemented but already
> considered to be integrated as part of the architecture before end of
> 2015".   Thoughts?
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
>  ______________________________________________________
> Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
> CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica
> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
> twitter: @JuanjoHierro
> You can follow FIWARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fiware.org
>   twitter:  @FIWARE
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>  On 17/07/15 09:30, Franck Le Gall wrote:
> Hello,
> #1
> -> I added a more advanced editor for the ‘free text’ questions
> -> I added a question at the end to allow the upload of files.
> Please have a look:
> http://survey.eglobalmark.com/index.php/survey/index/sid/825872/newtest/Y/lang/en
> #2
> If we want simply to collect the yes/planned/no answers then presentation
> of the survey could be simplified by showing all aggregated in one table
> #3
> Regarding collection of names and e.mail addresses, I assume each coach
> should be able to gather this easily. I personally have most names and
> contacts of companies I am following.
> #4
> To deploy the tool, a SSH root access to a LAMP server should be OK.
> Potential issues are with the mailing as PHP scripts will need to be able
> to send e.mail.
> Also make sure that hosting is production level (not in FIWARE lab) to
> avoid drops in the service while survey is running.
> Franck
> *De :* Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
> <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>]
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 16 juillet 2015 05:36
> *À :* Franck Le Gall; fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Fiware-coaches] FRANK: IMPORTANT FINAL CHECK BY FIWARE
> COACHES of questionnaire and evaluation dashboard to be used for FIWARE
> usage assessment
> On 15/07/15 19:20, Franck Le Gall wrote:
> Hello
> Some points:
> #1 I can for sure transfer the questionnaire to the on-line tool. I
> quickly transferred the 2 first set of questions here:
> http://survey.eglobalmark.com/index.php/survey/index/sid/825872/newtest/Y/lang/en
> It is currently available to anybody for test.
> Feedback welcome
>   I like the idea about the survey tool ... however my concern is about
> the editing possibilities for fields dealing with explanations ...
> particularly in terms of adding some figures (pictures) that may be helpful
> for explaining the ideas or in terms of styles for paragraphs of the
> explanations.   As an example, what if someone wishes to add a bullet list
> as part of their definition?
>   Any thoughts about how these issues may be overcome?  Would simply copy
> and paste of a figure, or a piece of text, work?   I have tried but I
> didn't succeed.
>   Does the tool allow to end the questionnaire adding some word file?
> I'm asking this because then one possibility could be to use the survey
> tool to gather just the info about the self-assessment (collection of
> yes/planned/no responses) instead of passing them a google docs spreadsheet
> template they have to download, complete and submit.
>   I would go for using this questionnaire tool for gathering input about
> the self-assessment, provided that a document with the complete response
> can be attached.  Please confirm this is feasible.
> #2 To move efficiently and track the respondents, I strongly suggest to
> use the mailing capabilities of the tool from which we could send
> personalized invitations as well as reminders to the one who did not answers
> => For that purpose, I would need the following table: Accelerator | SME
> name | Contact firstname | Contact lastname | Contact e.mail
> => If some coach prefer to manage their own instance of the survey this is
> doable
>   Unfortunately, I'm afraid the info you request might be difficult to
> gather and some of the FIWARE accelerator projects seem like they don't
> want to share that info if they have it.   What i can tell is that there is
> a mailing list (fiware-entrepreneurs at lists.fiware.org) where many of the
> entrepreneurs that are associated to some FIWARE Accelerator project are
> subscribed.   It is true that the list also include additional
> entrepreneurs, not necessary associated to a FIWARE Accelerator project,
> who have expressed their interest to be informed about developments
> regarding FIWARE.
>   I wonder whether that would help or we should create the requested
> table.   If so, then we only have the chance to ask for such a table to
> Ogilvy who is intended to build it (indeed, we populated the
> fiware-entrepreneurs mailing list based on the table they had).
> #3 I suggest to put most of the questions as mandatory to be answered. OK ?
>   I agree.   Indeed I believe all the questions should be mandatory (with
> the exception of the question on SEs since there may be applications that
> may not use SEs at all).
> #4 Our survey tool currently run under our domain name (eglobalmark.com).
> If we want him to run under FIWARE, I would either need a LAMP hosting on
> FIWARE side or redirecting a FIWARE sub-domain DNS to our server.
>   If we go for using the survey tool to gather the self-assessment by
> responders, then I can arrange the assignment of a LAMP server linked to
> the FIWARE website domain.   If we provide a VM with a LAMP stack already
> deployed and configured, would that be enough?
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
> Kind regards
> Franck
> *De :* fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [
> mailto:fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org
> <fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org>] *De la part de* Juanjo Hierro
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 15 juillet 2015 11:39
> *À :* fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org
> of questionnaire and evaluation dashboard to be used for FIWARE usage
> assessment
> Hi,
>   A question to Frank ... are we going to finally create a questionnaire
> using some sort of tool like the one you mentioned in our last confcall or
> should we ask each SME/startup to make their own copy of the questionnaire,
> answer it and send it to the corresponding coach?
>   I need an urgent answer to this so that I can take it into consideration
> for the message I would like to post on Basecamp.
>   For the rest, don't forget to review my previous email (again attached
> for your convenience.
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
>  On 15/07/15 11:14, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
> Dear all,
>   I have carried out a final review of the questionnaire and the
> evaluation scorecard to be used for the assessment on the usage of FIWARE
> by SMEs/startups under the FIWARE Accelerator programme.
>   I will post a message on basecamp announcing that we will launch the
> assessment process based on the proposed questionnaire and scorecard (which
> I have updated after this final review) tomorrow around 16:00 unless I hear
> any objections from you.    Therefore, please, take your time to review
> it.   I would appreciate if you also response to this email providing a
> confirmation that you have actually reviewed both tools and agree with the
> proposed changes.
>   I have incorporated the following changes both in the questionnaire and
> scorecard:
>    - I have setup a distinction between "planned" usage and "actual"
>    usage (the app has already implemented the criteria).   Therefore, the
>    previous values where 0 (does NOT support either A or B), 1 (supports A)
>    and 2 (supports B) translate into values 0 (does not plan to support either
>    A or B), 1 (plans to support A), 2 (already implements A), 3 (plans to
>    support B), 4 (already implements B).   My initial idea was to consider
>    scores 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2, but it happens that google docs lead to
>    problems if you use numbers with decimals, so I went for having 0 to 4.
>    - I have modified the meaning of values assigned as scores regarding
>    context information management so that 3-4 points are given when
>    integration with 3rd party systems as context information sources is
>    considered.  Previously, we were giving maximum points if historic context
>    information was registered in Cosmos for further analysis.   In line with
>    this change, I have modified the scoring regarding usage of the Cosmos
>    BigData GE so that the 1-2 points (previously 1 point) are given when
>    historic context information data is registered in Cosmos for further
>    analysis.
>    - I have aligned the meaning of values assigned for scoring usage of
>    Wirecloud to the other GEs (CEP, Kurento, etc), so that 1-2 points
>    (previously 1 point) are given when the GE is used and 3-4 points
>    (previously 2 points) are given when it is used managing context
>    information.
>    - I introduced several editorial comments on the questionnaire so that
>    it becomes more readable and better aligned with the scorecard.
>   I have created final versions of both the "Questionnaire for FIWARE
> Usage Assessment" and the "FIWARE Usage Assessment scorecard".   I have
> also make sure both get aligned.
>   The final version of the "Questionnaire for FIWARE Usage Assessment"
> will be here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BOv96zNeytDoPMecfFBuUDmisiLxlQKJUADIbtp8XKw/edit#
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BOv96zNeytDoPMecfFBuUDmisiLxlQKJUADIbtp8XKw/edit>
>   The final version of the "FIWARE Usage Assessment scorecard" will be
> here:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dijrn2gUsU0-dPhVqE9RXKi6MKkLnBVn_3YUEQWvCSs/edit?usp=sharing
>   Cheers,
>  -- Juanjo
> ______________________________________________________
> Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
> CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica
> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
> twitter: @JuanjoHierro
> You can follow FIWARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fiware.org
>   twitter:  @FIWARE
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
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