[Fiware-comm-mwc] R: Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at the MWC (and 4yfn startup related event)

patrice.slupowski at orange.com patrice.slupowski at orange.com
Sat Feb 28 10:48:04 CET 2015

Dear Friends,
Thanks for all your efforts.
I don’t understand anyway why we have removed any reference to smart cities in the title and subtitle.
We should at least say “foster the emergence of smart cities” in the subtitle.
“foster the digital economy” is really too wide and too vague.

All the best,

[cid:image001.gif at 01CCD783.5B2300D0]
Patrice Slupowski
Technocenter / MPA Open & Developers Services
VP, Digital Innovation
mob. +336 85 30 92 91
twitter @slupowski

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De : fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] De la part de Belén Kayser
Envoyé : samedi 28 février 2015 10:21
À : Crouch, Caroline
Cc : fiware-comm-mwc at lists.fi-ware.org
Objet : Re: [Fiware-comm-mwc] R: Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at the MWC (and 4yfn startup related event)

Dear all,

First of all, I want to thank you all for the quick and proactive response those days trying to manage the press release and others. Here, a quick summary of the status:

  *   On monday, at 12.00, Atos representative will be shortly interviewed by OgilvyOne video team at the FIWARE stand in 4YFN. I assume, Caroline, that Bruno has the code for the ticket, if no, just contact @Angeles or @Fabio. If any of you have no pass for the event, please, do contact my team.
  *   On Tuesday, at 14.00, Orange spokesperson will attend me at the FIWARE stand. I am the one in charge os the interviews, so he can directly contact me.
  *   I miss the same from Telefónica (I must schedule a time) and from Nuno :) Please, do find a time for me.
  *   The press release (attached in pfd) will be launched on march. No change will be admitted from now.
  *   Please, do not forget that we will upload and give to the press the clip with the reply to the answers I shared with you. I copy them again here:

1. Why did you first consider joining fiware?
2. What does this new commitment mean for your company? And long-term?
3. Which is the current contribution of your company to the fiware ecosystem?
4. What benefits does fiware bring to the current economic landscape? And how do you think your company is involved in those results?

  *   I do share with you some materials Alberto Sesmero prepared for social media.
- A planning of tweets to be programmed and published during 4YFN, together with some images and a complete agenda to be published on Slideshare:

- Next week, a blog post will be published on the FIWARE blog. We would like to invite you to share with any info or picture you may want to get shared (contents will be similar to those in the Press Release).

- Two videos about FIWARE at 4YFN:

§  Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gItCZWMRdLI
§  Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDcUjUjNhA4

Please, consider that, during 4YFN, more updates will be periodically published on our social networks. Use these materials in yours as you may want.
Best wishes

OgilvyOne Team

Belén Kayser
Social Media & Communications
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Cell phone: +34 620 63 97 15
Office: +34 91 451 22 04
E-mail: belen.kayser at ogilvy.com<mailto:belen.kayser at ogilvy.com>
Twitter: @missbkayser<http://twitter.com/missbkayser>


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