[Fiware-comms] Cities Today magazine: Quotes for news story on FI-WARE app comp

Margarita Tremblay margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com
Tue Dec 10 17:11:49 CET 2013


Puesto que no disponemos estos días de alguien de TID que nos ayude a
supervisar este texto, Domingo y yo hemos echado un vistazo e intentado
simplificar algunas respuestas, sin meternos en camisas de once varas.
Esperamos no haber tocado ningún punto sensible o haber cometido algún
error. Hemos tenido que hacerlo a toda prisa porque ya tenía al editor de
la revista llamándome para reclamar las respuestas ASAP.

Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda. En cuanto se publique esta
newsletter os la haré llegar para ver los resultado.




*Answers by*: Paco Ragageles, co-founder of Campus Party

*1. How many applications or interest have you received so far?*

The Smart Cities challenge has drawn most of the attention. There are more
than 400 participants in total (275 applying to the Smart Cities challenge)
and we expect a considerable increase on the final number of applicants. In
fact, the amount of participants has doubled in the last two weeks. We are
receiving very innovative ideas to build high-level applications that solve
real problems of today´s cities and businesses.

*2. Is most interest coming from developed cities or also from the emerging

Campus Party has one of the largest technological "geek" communities
worldwide, with more than 300,000 “*campuseros”* in 130 different
countries. So the projects we are receiving are from everywhere: from
Oviedo to Madrid (Spain), to Bauru to Sao Paulo (Brazil), Medellin
(Colombia), Tel-Aviv (Israel) and several cities from Greece, Bulgaria,
Germany, Ecuador or Romania.

Innovators are everywhere in today´s interconnected world, both in emerging
cities and developed ones. The “innovation gap” has practically disappeared
and anyone with a computer, an internet connection, an idea and a will to
make it happen can create something unique that contributes to improving
our world.

*3. Have city governments entered? Can they enter?*

Not directly, but they can enter in a different and much more rewarding
matter. FI-WARE has a direct line of collaboration with city governments,
encouraging them to share their Open Data on FI-LAB (FI-WARE’s online
instance) This way they can make data that isn't being used for improvement
of the city services accessible to innovators that can create truly amazing
solutions for their cities.

Spanish cities like Santander, Malaga and Seville have already shared their
data on FI-LAB and the list of cities joining the platform is growing every
day (two Italian cities have recently joined, and the interest from city
governments is spreading all over Europe)  This way cities will see, in a
very direct way, the amazing developments entrepreneurs and developers can
do with the huge amount of data they have in storage. It is a huge
opportunity for cities to see what innovative applications can do for them.

*4. Can anyone enter?*

Yes, the competition is open to anybody with an idea and a will to make it
happen using FI-WARE.

*5. Will this be an annual competition?*

This competition is unique and will only be held during 2014: first we are
running these two challenges (Smart Cities and Smart Business) until Campus
Party Brazil. Once these two are finished we will announce the next two
(also held during 2014) There are more than 800,000 euros worth of prizes
divided in these four challenges. After these competitions, 100 million
euros will be destined to fund SME’s that develop their projects on FI-WARE
during 2014 and 2015. But the way to participate in that phase of promotion
of the platform will be very different from the FI-WARE Challenges.

*6. Who will 'own' the app at the end?*

Developers will own the intellectual property rights of their creation, as
it is said in the legal terms of the competition. FI-WARE and Campus Party
will have permission to promote the app and communicate its content to
third parties, but the intellectual property is always in the hands of the
developers and the product will be theirs.

*7. Anything else you would like to mention?*

I would like to invite people to visit www.campus-labs.com and read more
about the FI-WARE Challenges.  All developers around the world are invited
to participate and send us their ideas until December 20th. Once the best
ideas are preselected, the teams will have to make a prototype that they
will improve at Campus Party Brazil in Sao Paulo at the end of January 2014.

Considering the high quality of the proposals received until now we are
sure that the results will be amazing.

*Margarita Tremblay*

FI-WARE Community Manager
OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
Office: +34 914 512 270
Cell: +34 638 015 664
margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com>

2013/12/10 Esther Paniagua <esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com>

> Hola!
> Os paso el cuestionario adjunto en word.
> Os pego aquí debajo un par de respuestas que nos gustaría que reviséis con
> atención, ya que atañen más a FI-WARE que a los retos en sí:
> *3. Have city governments entered? Can they enter?*
> They are not participating directly in the challenges but city governments
> from various cities -as Santander, Málaga o Sevilla (in Spain)- are
> represented in FI-WARE through alliances with the platform. FI-WARE is key
> to build smarter cities, since the platform is a main tool to connect them
> to the power of Big Data.
> *5. Will this be an annual competition?*
> FI-WARE is part of the Horizon2020 strategy of the European Union that
> began in 2012. The project will end in 2014 but the platform remains. The
> goal of the FI-WARE challenges is to promote the use of FI-WARE
> technologies in fields such as Internet of Things, Security, Cloud
> Computing, Data Management, Advanced Middleware, and Architecture of
> Applications among others in order to create new companies so to keep the
> platform as the base to build the Future Internet. There are more than
> 800,000 euros for this purpose in total. One half will go to this first two
> challenges and the rest will go to new challenges. So this competition is
> unique and won´t be repeated.
> El 10 de diciembre de 2013 10:39, Fatima Ruiz-Clavijo <
> fatima.rclavijo at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
> Hola Margarita,
>> adjunto te envío varias imágenes de Paco, elegir la que mejor os parezca.
>> Saludos.
>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 21:18, Margarita Tremblay <
>> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com> escribió:
>> Estupendo, muchas gracias.
>>> Compartid las respuestas por la lista y se lo envío al contacto de la
>>> revista SCT mañana por la tarde. ¿OK?
>>> *Margarita Tremblay*
>>> FI-WARE Community Manager
>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>> Office: +34 914 512 270
>>> Cell: +34 638 015 664
>>> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com>
>>> 2013/12/9 Esther Paniagua <esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com>
>>>> Mientras tanto, Fátima os puede pasar las fotos de Paco que se suelen
>>>> mandar para este tipo de cosas
>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:36, Domingo Legua <
>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com> escribió:
>>>> Genial, a ver si podemos llegar y nos incluyen :)
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Domingo Legua*
>>>>> Social Media
>>>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>>>> Mobile: +34 646 771 602
>>>>> Office: +34 914 512 266
>>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com
>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:34, Esther Paniagua <
>>>>> esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
>>>>> Veo que es para mañana a mediodía... anyway, we'll do our best...
>>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:32, Esther Paniagua <
>>>>>> esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
>>>>>>> Mañana por la tarde a mucho tardar yo creo que lo tenemos. We'll do
>>>>>>> our best!
>>>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:30, Domingo Legua <
>>>>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com> escribió:
>>>>>>> Sí, eso sería perfecto. ¿Creéis que podríais tenerlo para poder
>>>>>>>> enviarlo mañana?
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *Domingo Legua*
>>>>>>>> Social Media
>>>>>>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>>>>>>> Mobile: +34 646 771 602
>>>>>>>> Office: +34 914 512 266
>>>>>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com
>>>>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:14, Esther Paniagua <
>>>>>>>> esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
>>>>>>>> Hay muchas preguntas, de hecho, que Juanjo no las sabe porque no
>>>>>>>>> tiene acceso a la plataforma.
>>>>>>>>> Creo que deberíamos preparar nosotros las respuestas y firmar en
>>>>>>>>> nombre de Paco (siempre y cuando él esté de acuerdo).
>>>>>>>>> ¿Os parece?
>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/9 Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Hola Iris,
>>>>>>>>>> Podría ser alguien de FI-WARE, pero al tratar muy específicamente
>>>>>>>>>> de los retos creo que también podría hacerlo alguien de Campus Party. Por
>>>>>>>>>> la parte de TID, que sea Juanjo lo veo complicado teniendo en cuenta el
>>>>>>>>>> volumen de trabajo que tiene estos días. Y sé que vosotros estáis a tope
>>>>>>>>>> también. Así que no sé qué hacer.
>>>>>>>>>> Si veis que no puede ser para su deadline de mañana, se lo
>>>>>>>>>> comentaré al que nos escribe de la revista y ya veremos si nos pueden
>>>>>>>>>> incluir como noticia en un momento posterior (ya tendría que ser la
>>>>>>>>>> newsletter de enero, pero en vez de anunciar Challenges sería para hablar
>>>>>>>>>> sobre los seleccionados... el enfoque que queráis darle y que a ellos les
>>>>>>>>>> pueda interesar)
>>>>>>>>>> Saludos,
>>>>>>>>>> *Margarita Tremblay*
>>>>>>>>>> FI-WARE Community Manager
>>>>>>>>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>>>>>>>>> Office: +34 914 512 270
>>>>>>>>>> Cell: +34 638 015 664
>>>>>>>>>> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Iris Rubio <
>>>>>>>>>> iris.rubio at futuranetworks.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hola Margarita,
>>>>>>>>>>> suena genial!
>>>>>>>>>>> entiendo que es alguien de FI-WARE quien deberia contestar al
>>>>>>>>>>> cuestionario, no?
>>>>>>>>>>> ya nos cuentas.
>>>>>>>>>>> un saludo!
>>>>>>>>>>> Iris Rubio Pascual
>>>>>>>>>>> Communication FI-WARE Challenges
>>>>>>>>>>> skype: iritamasnou
>>>>>>>>>>> www.fi-ware.eu  <http://www.fi-ware.eu>
>>>>>>>>>>> #FIWare800k
>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/9 Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hola,
>>>>>>>>>>>> La revista *Cities Today <http://cities-today.com/>* quiere
>>>>>>>>>>>> publicar en su newsletter de diciembre un artículo sobre los Retos de
>>>>>>>>>>>> FI-WARE y piden citas de un portavoz.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Necesitan que se conteste a un cuestionario (abajo en copia)*
>>>>>>>>>>>> antes de mañana a mediodía*. Si no, no saldrá publicado en su
>>>>>>>>>>>> newsletter de este mes.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Decidme si lo veis posible y si es así, cómo queréis que se
>>>>>>>>>>>> haga.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gracias.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Margarita
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Jonathan Andrews <jandrews at cities-today.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:48 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Quotes for news story on FI-WARE app comp
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Margarita,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the questions below. Could these be from a named
>>>>>>>>>>>> spokesperson? And if so could a a photo of them be included?
>>>>>>>>>>>> How many applications or interest have you received so far?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is most interest coming from developed cities or also from the
>>>>>>>>>>>> emerging cities?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Have city governments entered? Can they enter?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can anyone enter?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Will this be an annual competition?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Who will 'own' the app at the end?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Anything else you would like to mention?
>>>>>>>>>>>> If I could receive answers by *midday tomorrow* that would be
>>>>>>>>>>>> great.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Jonathan Andrews
>>>>>>>>>>>> Assistant Editor
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Cities Today*
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>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>>>>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>>>>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>>>>>>> www.campus-party.org
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Fiware-comms mailing list
>>>>>>>>> Fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>>>>> www.campus-party.org
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>>>> www.campus-party.org
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>>>> --
>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>> www.campus-party.org
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>>> Fiware-comms mailing list
>>> Fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
>>> https://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-comms
>> --
>> ..............................................
>> Fátima Ruiz-Clavijo
>> Directora de Comunicación
>> fatima.rclavijo at futuranetworks.com <yolanda.benedito at futuranetworks.com>
>> 0034 618 652 471
>> skype: fatima.ruiz.clavijo
>> @frclavijo
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