[Fiware-comms] Cities Today magazine: Quotes for news story on FI-WARE app comp

Esther Paniagua esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com
Tue Dec 10 17:24:53 CET 2013

:) Gracias!

2013/12/10 Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>

> Hola,
> Puesto que no disponemos estos días de alguien de TID que nos ayude a
> supervisar este texto, Domingo y yo hemos echado un vistazo e intentado
> simplificar algunas respuestas, sin meternos en camisas de once varas.
> Esperamos no haber tocado ningún punto sensible o haber cometido algún
> error. Hemos tenido que hacerlo a toda prisa porque ya tenía al editor de
> la revista llamándome para reclamar las respuestas ASAP.
> Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda. En cuanto se publique esta
> newsletter os la haré llegar para ver los resultado.
> Saludos,
> Margarita
> *Answers by*: Paco Ragageles, co-founder of Campus Party
> *1. How many applications or interest have you received so far?*
> The Smart Cities challenge has drawn most of the attention. There are more
> than 400 participants in total (275 applying to the Smart Cities challenge)
> and we expect a considerable increase on the final number of applicants. In
> fact, the amount of participants has doubled in the last two weeks. We are
> receiving very innovative ideas to build high-level applications that solve
> real problems of today´s cities and businesses.
> *2. Is most interest coming from developed cities or also from the
> emerging cities?*
> Campus Party has one of the largest technological "geek" communities
> worldwide, with more than 300,000 “*campuseros”* in 130 different
> countries. So the projects we are receiving are from everywhere: from
> Oviedo to Madrid (Spain), to Bauru to Sao Paulo (Brazil), Medellin
> (Colombia), Tel-Aviv (Israel) and several cities from Greece, Bulgaria,
> Germany, Ecuador or Romania.
> Innovators are everywhere in today´s interconnected world, both in
> emerging cities and developed ones. The “innovation gap” has practically
> disappeared and anyone with a computer, an internet connection, an idea and
> a will to make it happen can create something unique that contributes to
> improving our world.
> *3. Have city governments entered? Can they enter?*
> Not directly, but they can enter in a different and much more rewarding
> matter. FI-WARE has a direct line of collaboration with city governments,
> encouraging them to share their Open Data on FI-LAB (FI-WARE’s online
> instance) This way they can make data that isn't being used for improvement
> of the city services accessible to innovators that can create truly amazing
> solutions for their cities.
> Spanish cities like Santander, Malaga and Seville have already shared
> their data on FI-LAB and the list of cities joining the platform is growing
> every day (two Italian cities have recently joined, and the interest from
> city governments is spreading all over Europe)  This way cities will see,
> in a very direct way, the amazing developments entrepreneurs and developers
> can do with the huge amount of data they have in storage. It is a huge
> opportunity for cities to see what innovative applications can do for them.
> *4. Can anyone enter?*
> Yes, the competition is open to anybody with an idea and a will to make it
> happen using FI-WARE.
> *5. Will this be an annual competition?*
> This competition is unique and will only be held during 2014: first we are
> running these two challenges (Smart Cities and Smart Business) until Campus
> Party Brazil. Once these two are finished we will announce the next two
> (also held during 2014) There are more than 800,000 euros worth of prizes
> divided in these four challenges. After these competitions, 100 million
> euros will be destined to fund SME’s that develop their projects on FI-WARE
> during 2014 and 2015. But the way to participate in that phase of promotion
> of the platform will be very different from the FI-WARE Challenges.
> *6. Who will 'own' the app at the end?*
> Developers will own the intellectual property rights of their creation, as
> it is said in the legal terms of the competition. FI-WARE and Campus Party
> will have permission to promote the app and communicate its content to
> third parties, but the intellectual property is always in the hands of the
> developers and the product will be theirs.
> *7. Anything else you would like to mention?*
> I would like to invite people to visit www.campus-labs.com and read more
> about the FI-WARE Challenges.  All developers around the world are invited
> to participate and send us their ideas until December 20th. Once the best
> ideas are preselected, the teams will have to make a prototype that they
> will improve at Campus Party Brazil in Sao Paulo at the end of January 2014.
> Considering the high quality of the proposals received until now we are
> sure that the results will be amazing.
> *Margarita Tremblay*
>  FI-WARE Community Manager
> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
> Office: +34 914 512 270
> Cell: +34 638 015 664
> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com>
> 2013/12/10 Esther Paniagua <esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com>
>> Hola!
>> Os paso el cuestionario adjunto en word.
>> Os pego aquí debajo un par de respuestas que nos gustaría que reviséis
>> con atención, ya que atañen más a FI-WARE que a los retos en sí:
>> *3. Have city governments entered? Can they enter?*
>> They are not participating directly in the challenges but city
>> governments from various cities -as Santander, Málaga o Sevilla (in Spain)-
>> are represented in FI-WARE through alliances with the platform. FI-WARE is
>> key to build smarter cities, since the platform is a main tool to connect
>> them to the power of Big Data.
>> *5. Will this be an annual competition?*
>> FI-WARE is part of the Horizon2020 strategy of the European Union that
>> began in 2012. The project will end in 2014 but the platform remains. The
>> goal of the FI-WARE challenges is to promote the use of FI-WARE
>> technologies in fields such as Internet of Things, Security, Cloud
>> Computing, Data Management, Advanced Middleware, and Architecture of
>> Applications among others in order to create new companies so to keep the
>> platform as the base to build the Future Internet. There are more than
>> 800,000 euros for this purpose in total. One half will go to this first two
>> challenges and the rest will go to new challenges. So this competition is
>> unique and won´t be repeated.
>> El 10 de diciembre de 2013 10:39, Fatima Ruiz-Clavijo <
>> fatima.rclavijo at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
>> Hola Margarita,
>>> adjunto te envío varias imágenes de Paco, elegir la que mejor os parezca.
>>> Saludos.
>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 21:18, Margarita Tremblay <
>>> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com> escribió:
>>> Estupendo, muchas gracias.
>>>> Compartid las respuestas por la lista y se lo envío al contacto de la
>>>> revista SCT mañana por la tarde. ¿OK?
>>>> *Margarita Tremblay*
>>>> FI-WARE Community Manager
>>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>>> Office: +34 914 512 270
>>>> Cell: +34 638 015 664
>>>> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com>
>>>> 2013/12/9 Esther Paniagua <esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com>
>>>>> Mientras tanto, Fátima os puede pasar las fotos de Paco que se suelen
>>>>> mandar para este tipo de cosas
>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:36, Domingo Legua <
>>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com> escribió:
>>>>> Genial, a ver si podemos llegar y nos incluyen :)
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Domingo Legua*
>>>>>> Social Media
>>>>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>>>>> Mobile: +34 646 771 602
>>>>>> Office: +34 914 512 266
>>>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com
>>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:34, Esther Paniagua <
>>>>>> esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
>>>>>> Veo que es para mañana a mediodía... anyway, we'll do our best...
>>>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:32, Esther Paniagua <
>>>>>>> esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
>>>>>>>> Mañana por la tarde a mucho tardar yo creo que lo tenemos. We'll do
>>>>>>>> our best!
>>>>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:30, Domingo Legua <
>>>>>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com> escribió:
>>>>>>>> Sí, eso sería perfecto. ¿Creéis que podríais tenerlo para poder
>>>>>>>>> enviarlo mañana?
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Domingo Legua*
>>>>>>>>> Social Media
>>>>>>>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +34 646 771 602
>>>>>>>>> Office: +34 914 512 266
>>>>>>>>> domingo.legua at ogilvy.com
>>>>>>>>> El 9 de diciembre de 2013 17:14, Esther Paniagua <
>>>>>>>>> esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com> escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Hay muchas preguntas, de hecho, que Juanjo no las sabe porque no
>>>>>>>>>> tiene acceso a la plataforma.
>>>>>>>>>> Creo que deberíamos preparar nosotros las respuestas y firmar en
>>>>>>>>>> nombre de Paco (siempre y cuando él esté de acuerdo).
>>>>>>>>>> ¿Os parece?
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/9 Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> Hola Iris,
>>>>>>>>>>> Podría ser alguien de FI-WARE, pero al tratar muy
>>>>>>>>>>> específicamente de los retos creo que también podría hacerlo alguien de
>>>>>>>>>>> Campus Party. Por la parte de TID, que sea Juanjo lo veo complicado
>>>>>>>>>>> teniendo en cuenta el volumen de trabajo que tiene estos días. Y sé que
>>>>>>>>>>> vosotros estáis a tope también. Así que no sé qué hacer.
>>>>>>>>>>> Si veis que no puede ser para su deadline de mañana, se lo
>>>>>>>>>>> comentaré al que nos escribe de la revista y ya veremos si nos pueden
>>>>>>>>>>> incluir como noticia en un momento posterior (ya tendría que ser la
>>>>>>>>>>> newsletter de enero, pero en vez de anunciar Challenges sería para hablar
>>>>>>>>>>> sobre los seleccionados... el enfoque que queráis darle y que a ellos les
>>>>>>>>>>> pueda interesar)
>>>>>>>>>>> Saludos,
>>>>>>>>>>> *Margarita Tremblay*
>>>>>>>>>>> FI-WARE Community Manager
>>>>>>>>>>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
>>>>>>>>>>> Office: +34 914 512 270
>>>>>>>>>>> Cell: +34 638 015 664
>>>>>>>>>>> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Iris Rubio <
>>>>>>>>>>> iris.rubio at futuranetworks.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hola Margarita,
>>>>>>>>>>>> suena genial!
>>>>>>>>>>>> entiendo que es alguien de FI-WARE quien deberia contestar al
>>>>>>>>>>>> cuestionario, no?
>>>>>>>>>>>> ya nos cuentas.
>>>>>>>>>>>> un saludo!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Iris Rubio Pascual
>>>>>>>>>>>> Communication FI-WARE Challenges
>>>>>>>>>>>> skype: iritamasnou
>>>>>>>>>>>> www.fi-ware.eu  <http://www.fi-ware.eu>
>>>>>>>>>>>> #FIWare800k
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/9 Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hola,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> La revista *Cities Today <http://cities-today.com/>* quiere
>>>>>>>>>>>>> publicar en su newsletter de diciembre un artículo sobre los Retos de
>>>>>>>>>>>>> FI-WARE y piden citas de un portavoz.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Necesitan que se conteste a un cuestionario (abajo en copia)*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> antes de mañana a mediodía*. Si no, no saldrá publicado en su
>>>>>>>>>>>>> newsletter de este mes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decidme si lo veis posible y si es así, cómo queréis que se
>>>>>>>>>>>>> haga.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gracias.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Margarita
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Jonathan Andrews <jandrews at cities-today.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:48 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Quotes for news story on FI-WARE app comp
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Margarita,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the questions below. Could these be from a named
>>>>>>>>>>>>> spokesperson? And if so could a a photo of them be included?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How many applications or interest have you received so far?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is most interest coming from developed cities or also from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerging cities?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have city governments entered? Can they enter?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can anyone enter?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will this be an annual competition?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who will 'own' the app at the end?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anything else you would like to mention?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If I could receive answers by *midday tomorrow* that would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> great.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Jonathan Andrews
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assistant Editor
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Cities Today*
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>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>>>>>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>>>>>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>>>>>>>> www.campus-party.org
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Fiware-comms mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>>>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>>>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>>>>>> www.campus-party.org
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>>>>> www.campus-party.org
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Esther Paniagua
>>>>> Campus Labs Manager
>>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>>> www.campus-party.org
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>>> --
>>> ..............................................
>>> Fátima Ruiz-Clavijo
>>> Directora de Comunicación
>>> fatima.rclavijo at futuranetworks.com <yolanda.benedito at futuranetworks.com>
>>> 0034 618 652 471
>>> skype: fatima.ruiz.clavijo
>>> @frclavijo
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Esther Paniagua
Campus Labs Manager
Futura Networks & Campus Party
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