[Fiware-developer-experience] Latest TourGuide changes

JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com
Mon Feb 22 08:49:53 CET 2016


Can we separate the client  changes in different pull requests? For instance, look and feel changes and functional changes, but I agree that we should not be working by creating so big changes in one chunk ... Incremental pull requests separating features and changes is a must ...


De: <fiware-developer-experience-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-developer-experience-bounces at lists.fiware.org>> on behalf of Alberto Martín Casado <alberto.martin at bitergia.com<mailto:alberto.martin at bitergia.com>>
Fecha: lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016, 8:41
Para: "fiware-developer-experience at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-developer-experience at lists.fiware.org>" <fiware-developer-experience at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-developer-experience at lists.fiware.org>>
Asunto: [Fiware-developer-experience] Latest TourGuide changes

Hi all!

During the last week we've added some changes to the TourGuide:

- We've made the first integration with the CEP image. As the official CEP image wasn't automated in Dockerhub, we've made our own image under our organization, lighter and based on the Tomcat 7 official image. The initial approach is to generate events when temperatures exceeds some limits during a 30 sec period time (using the UL20 client). Documentation of it's usage will be added during the week.

- We've added schema validators to the Restaurant, review and reservations entities. Now, the sever checks the elements and types before posting to Orion. This breaks some of the functionalities of the client, as it's using wrong value types (as discussed in previous e-mails).

We've been also testing the client and we've found several things worth to mention:

1. The latest client update included >236.000 line changes and 180 files. As you made a pull request, I thought you would like us to review it, but even Github said that this was impossible (find image attached). It was an urgent change because the client was broken (due to the renaming), but now we are discussing if we should "re-write" the repository history. We believe that doing smaller commits allow everyone to trace all the changes easier (even though we are not developing the client). Also, we wonder if all the files included are needed (for example here: https://github.com/Fiware/tutorials.TourGuide-App/tree/master/client/img/FI-WARE_style_guide/wordpress). What do you think?

2. Initial warning. Every time we access tourguide, there's an initial warning that can confuse the users (image attached). It may suggest users that something is failing, meanwhile it's just the user needs to log in to start.

3. Drop-down button in reservations allow to select from [1,2,3,4,5,100]. It should allow to generate reservations from different values (image attached).

4. Reservations have some typos also (image attached). Also, we've discussed about the field 'commensals' and it sounds a bit strange for us. How about 'customers' or 'diners'?

Waiting for your feedback.


Alberto Martín


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