[Fiware-etsi-isg-cim-digital-twin] NGSI-LD for Urban Digital Twins

Franck LE GALL (EGM) Franck.le-gall at egm.io
Mon Apr 12 11:42:34 CEST 2021

Below is our final agenda :

Urban digital twins with NGSI-LD

  *   Introduction (10min), Franck Le Gall, Juanjo Hierro, Lindsay Frost
  *   Urban Digital twins : experiences and expectations
     *   Smart mobility, Santander, Luis Muñoz (15 min)
     *   Smart irrigation; St Quentin, Vincent Demortier (15 min)
     *   GeoTwin, Vienna, Franz Xaver (15 min)
  *   Open discussions on some topics (add your own proposals) (20 min)
     *   What is the key dataset to incorporate in a urban digital twin?
     *   What are the city standards (cityGML...) to interoperate with in priority?
     *   What are the best cross-domain scenarios to use to illustrate the cross-domain nature of NGSI-LD?
     *   How NGSI-LD specification and FIWARE ecosystem could best help the development of urban digital twins ?

The presentation from Haydar on Smart energy in Herne is deferred as he got a recent constraint.  We

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