[Fiware-etsi-isg-cim-digital-twin] NGSI-LD for Urban Digital Twins

Kordasch Sara sara.kordasch at wien.gv.at
Mon Apr 12 17:02:47 CEST 2021

Dear Franck,

Attached you find our presentation "Digital geoTwin - what does geo with the twin?"

Best Regards,

Sara Lena

Kind regards,


           Sara Lena Kordasch, BSc MSc
           Department Innovation and ICT

           Surveying and Mapping
           1190 Vienna, Muthgasse 62, Room F3.24

           phone         +43 1 4000 89177
           mobile        +43 676 8118 89177
           fax               +43 1 4000 99 89177
           e-mail          sara.kordasch at wien.gv.at<mailto:sara.kordasch at wien.gv.at>
           web              www.stadtvermessung.wien.at<http://www.stadtvermessung.wien.at/>

-----Ursprünglicher Termin-----
Von: Franck LE GALL (EGM) <Franck.le-gall at egm.io>
Gesendet: Montag, 29. März 2021 17:53
An: Franck LE GALL (EGM); fiware-etsi-isg-cim-digital-twin at lists.fiware.org; vincent demortier; Pierre.Golz at herne.de; Haydar.Mecit at hs-bochum.de; Pfaffenbichler Franz; Kordasch Sara; Lehner Hubert; Roberto Di Bernardo; Ramesh Subryan
Cc: Luis Muñoz; Martin Bauer; Alberto Abella; Benoit ORIHUELA (EGM); Ahmed ABID (EGM)
Betreff: NGSI-LD for Urban Digital Twins
Zeit: Montag, 12. April 2021 15:00-16:30 (UTC+01:00) Brüssel, Kopenhagen, Madrid, Paris.
Ort: Réunion Microsoft Teams

Below is our final agenda :

Urban digital twins with NGSI-LD
·        Introduction (10min), Franck Le Gall, Juanjo Hierro, Lindsay Frost
·        Urban Digital twins : experiences and expectations
o   Smart mobility, Santander, Luis Muñoz (15 min)
o   Smart irrigation; St Quentin, Vincent Demortier (15 min)
o   GeoTwin, Vienna, Franz Xaver (15 min)
·        Open discussions on some topics (add your own proposals) (20 min)
o   What is the key dataset to incorporate in a urban digital twin?
o   What are the city standards (cityGML...) to interoperate with in priority?
o   What are the best cross-domain scenarios to use to illustrate the cross-domain nature of NGSI-LD?
o   How NGSI-LD specification and FIWARE ecosystem could best help the development of urban digital twins ?

The presentation from Haydar on Smart energy in Herne is deferred as he got a recent constraint. We

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