[Fiware-finodex-coaching] installing OrionContextBroker 0.19 on CentOS 7

Pablo Estrada pabloestrada1984 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 16:23:55 CET 2015

Hi, I have a problem while installing OrionContextBroker 0.19 on CentOS 7
Here you can find the explanation
or here

I'm following the installation guide at

The problem appears when installing OrionContextBroker

yum install contextBroker

Thank you very much


[image: GEEZAR Soluciones SL]

Pablo Estrada León
GEEZAR Soluciones SL  <http://www.geezar.es>

*http://geezar.blogspot.es/* <http://geezar.blogspot.es/>

CEEI C/María de Luna 11, Nave 2, abajo derecha
50018 Zaragoza
Teléfono: 976-960852
E-mail: info at geezar.es
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