[Fiware-finodex-coaching] Fwd: FIWARE CKAN global instance

Pasquale Vitale pvitale at eng.it
Wed Sep 9 16:40:51 CEST 2015

Hi Krunoslav,

you  can find info at this link 
and here 

Then you can ask to Francisco Bueno 
(francisco.romerobueno at telefonica.com) and put me in CC


Il 09/09/2015 15:24, Krunoslav Hrnjak ha scritto:
> Dear all,
>  could somebody send me a link how to use FIWARE CKAN global instance.
>  I can not find any instruction on the web.
> Thank you, kind regards,
> Krunoslav Hrnjak,
> dipl. ing. el., univ. spec. oec., PMP,
> stalni sudski vještak
> za područje informatike,
> elektrotehnike i telekomunikacija
> Zagrebačka 126,
> HR-10410 Velika Gorica
> Krunoslav at yottabyte.HR
> http://www.yottabyte.HR <http://www.yottabyte.hr/>
> 095/517-4201 <tel:095%2F517-4201>
> Molim razmislite o okolišu prije ispisa
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