[Fiware-fiops-filab] Messages to be delivered regarding FI-WARE/FI-OPS/FI-LAB brands

Jacques Magen (InterInnov) jmagen at interinnov.eu
Wed Nov 13 10:19:11 CET 2013

Hi Juanjo,
Let's discuss this over the phone tomorrow. I understand your point on 
the common brand but at the same time we hate to have worked for 
nothing...! Maybe the leaflets and not the poster is a compromise but I 
want to have feedback from the others as well -but then on your poster 
FI-OPS shall appear as well and the link shall not be only to the 
FI-WARE web site (see what I mean?). Let's see how we can manage. And 
what I mean by "too much FI-WARE oriented" is that the design is the one 
from FI-WARE without any modifications -we should try and find a 
compromise which is also somewhat reminding the XIFI design (at least 
the colours I would say...?).
Best regards,
Le 13/11/2013 10:10, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :
> Dear Jacques,
>   Leaftlets are ok.   We may live with them.
>   However, I strongly oppose to bring the poster and dress the stand 
> with it.   We may as well have arrived with big posters just talking 
> about our project (we also have some of them already printed and 
> ready) .... and then destroy the whole thing we aim to build.   
> However, I understand that our basic agreement is to avoid talking 
> about projects but the brands.
>   As with regards to the mosaic, the three brands are there cloned the 
> same number of times, so I can't catch why it is "too much FI-WARE 
> oriented".     Could you elaborate?
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website:www.tid.es
> email:jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
> and Chief Architect
> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>    website:http://www.fi-ware.eu
>    facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>    twitter:http://twitter.com/FIware
>    linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
> On 13/11/13 09:44, Jacques Magen (InterInnov) wrote:
>> Dear Juanjo,
>> We thank you for your effort to come up in time with a common 
>> solution for the stand. As we already told you we have already our 
>> own material i.e. poster and leaflets. From our perspective they are 
>> quite complementary to what you propose: our poster (attached) can be 
>> displayed along the one you suggest in your slide 3 "Infographic 
>> about FI-LAB for Smart Cities" (our poster is size A0) -or somewhere 
>> else.
>> The only concern we have is the slide 2 "the wall with the mosaic" 
>> which is a little too much FI-WARE oriented. I would suggest that 
>> Ogilvy could work with Miguel Alarcon from Martel in cc to make sure 
>> that the wall and the logos are designed in a way that it can look at 
>> the same time like FI-WARE design and like XIFI design (not sure how 
>> to do that but they should know better). "FI-LAB" as a "title" for 
>> the stand is fine (we are referring to FI-LAB in our leaflets as well).
>> Concerning the large screen we have ordered one already; with such a 
>> large booth maybe we could accommodate for two screens and display in 
>> parallel on the two screens information and videos from both projects 
>> (as already said we have a video, a presentation, and also the XiPi 
>> demo). But maybe Ogilvy has another idea?
>> Best regards,
>> Jacques (and all the XIFI team working on this)
>> --
>> Jacques Magen
>> *jmagen at interinnov.eu*
>> Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 6 28 98 05 41
>> www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>
>> Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>
>> Skype: jacques.magen
>> Le 13/11/2013 03:18, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :
>>> Hi Jacques and the rest,
>>>   I know that we face a tight time frame but I believe that it is 
>>> worth to give it a try in order to be able to end up with a stand 
>>> that looks as homogeneous as possible.   I believe that the solution 
>>> is not to go for a "XiFi corner" ... we have to go for a more 
>>> integrated stand.
>>>   Please find attached a powerpoint with the layout of the stand and 
>>> how I would propose "dressing it" with in a way that both projects 
>>> can feel comfortable with.   Essentially, the proposal can be 
>>> summarized as follows:
>>>   * Print an infographic about FI-LAB and Smart Cities that can
>>>     cover one of the walls (2x3 squares).   This is rather neutral
>>>     since FI-LAB is the brand which is not so clearly bound to any
>>>     project and indeed the more appealing messages we can delivered
>>>     at the Expo are about FI-LAB.
>>>   * Create a mosaic with the three brands in the wall (4x3 squares)
>>>     where we would place the plasma TV.   This should be also rather
>>>     neutral since we are positioning the three brands at the same
>>>     level.   I hope we can agree to share this TV to display videos
>>>     produced by the two projects.
>>>   * Use FI-LAB as the brand to title the stand (top banners of the
>>>     stand).
>>>   * Use FI-LAB as the brand to dress the reception desk
>>>   I did ask Ogilvy to come with a specific proposal for the 
>>> infographic that we can share and discuss, hopefully being able to 
>>> reach a quick agreement.   You can find it in the enclosed 
>>> powerpoint.   I have some minor comments for some paragraphs, but I 
>>> wanted to share it already with you because I believe is rather 
>>> close to something that can work.
>>>   The icons in the FI-LAB and FI-OPS logos are just something I 
>>> created quickly ... I also asked Ogilvy for some proposal and it's 
>>> fine that you propose them as well, particularly for FI-OPS.
>>>   We are working about the design of another infographic elaborating 
>>> on the meaning of the three brands.   We may not be able to generate 
>>> it on time but we will try to make it asap and share it with you to 
>>> gather your feedback.   Maybe it is not feasible to get it printed 
>>> on any of the walls, but we can bring it in a portable vertical 
>>> banner ...
>>>   Hope it works.   Your feedback is welcome.
>>>   Cheers,
>>> -- Juanjo
>>> On 12/11/13 12:23, Jacques Magen (InterInnov) wrote:
>>>> Dear Juanjo and all,
>>>> I would like to make sure that we split the two following issues:
>>>> 1) The general discussion about branding;
>>>> 2) The specific logistics around the Smart City Expo.
>>>> My purpose is to discuss in this message only issue #2; issue #1 is 
>>>> under the responsibility of Maurizio (within XIFI).
>>>> What we agreed with Nuria last week in Vilnius concerning the Expo 
>>>> is the following: considering the tight time frame and the fact 
>>>> that we in XIFI have already prepared specific material for this 
>>>> Expo and ordered specific material in addition to our stand (see 
>>>> below and attached), we will take our place in the FI-WARE stand, 
>>>> share PR material with you (leaflets + posters) and welcome FI-WARE 
>>>> materiel so that the stand looks like one. We will have our "XIFI 
>>>> corner" with the large screen and the posters. In our material 
>>>> FI-LAB is explicitly mentioned already. We will show on the 42" 
>>>> screen the following: a specific XIFI video targeting smart cities; 
>>>> a generic presentation; and the XiPi demo whenever relevant -please 
>>>> note that FI-LAB is now included in XiPi (it will become visible 
>>>> this week). We can of course show also FI-WARE/FI-LAB video(s) and 
>>>> presentations if needed, and we can provide you with our video 
>>>> material if you have other large screens available.
>>>> The next thing is to know *who is in charge of the stand*, for the 
>>>> last logistics issue. *Please send us asap the contact coordinates* 
>>>> (is it someone from Ogilvy?). We need the following in particular:
>>>> - What is the booth location and number -we need this to go there 
>>>> and also to advertise this week.
>>>> - We need to discuss the arrangements on the stand to make sure 
>>>> where we set up everything.
>>>> - We need the 10 exhibition passes (see XIFI list of participants 
>>>> below).
>>>> Thank you in advance and best regards,
>>>> Jacques
>>>> ===
>>>> *XIFI participants:*
>>>> Monique Calisti; Miguel Alarcón; Giulia Pastor; Eduard Escalona; 
>>>> Roberto Gavazzi; Jose Gonzalez; Joan A. Garcia; Andrea Rossi; 
>>>> Fernando Garcia.
>>>> monique.calisti at martel-consulting.ch; 
>>>> miguel.alarcon at martel-consulting.ch; gpastor at interinnov.eu; 
>>>> eduard.escalona at i2cat.net; roberto.gavazzi at telecomitalia.it; 
>>>> jge at gatv.ssr.upm.es;
>>>> joan.antoni.garcia at i2cat.net; andrea.rossi at atos.net; 
>>>> fgp at gatv.ssr.upm.es
>>>> *Shopping list (attached):*
>>>>   * 42" PLASMA SCREEN + DVD (region 2), ID: 509117
>>>>   * WIFI ENTIRE EVENT, 5 USERS, ID: 512054
>>>>   * 1.2 KW 220V DAY TIME SWITCHBOARD, ID 5060001
>>>> ===
>>>> --
>>>> Jacques Magen
>>>> *jmagen at interinnov.eu*
>>>> Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 6 28 98 05 41
>>>> www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>
>>>> Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>
>>>> Skype: jacques.magen
>>>> Le 12/11/2013 01:59, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>   I welcome you to this list which will be used to support daily 
>>>>> work within Task Forces dealing with marketing of the 
>>>>> FI-WARE/FI-OPS/FI-LAB brands at identified events.
>>>>>   The first of these Task Forces have to do with marketing of 
>>>>> those brands in the Smart City World Expo event in Barcelona 
>>>>> taking place on November 19-21.
>>>>>   One fundamental axiom we should build our messages upon is that 
>>>>> we should never talk about projects.   We should develop our 
>>>>> marketing messages around products/results.   Projects will end 
>>>>> sooner or later (indeed sooner than later) while we expect that 
>>>>> products/results are there to stay.     The brands that are 
>>>>> relevant for us (FI-WARE, FI-OPS and FI-LAB) refer to 
>>>>> products/results and are there to stay even once our respective 
>>>>> projects have ended.
>>>>>   The following is a summary of key messages that I believe we can 
>>>>> bring and we should be aligned with:
>>>>>   * Generic messages (not linked to Smart Cities):
>>>>>       o FI-WARE refers to the technology that application
>>>>>         developers can use to build Future Internet applications
>>>>>         (i.e., target audience of FI-WARE are application developers)
>>>>>       o FI-OPS refers to the tools that FI-WARE Instance providers
>>>>>         can use to operate FI-WARE Instances (i.e., target
>>>>>         audience of FI-OPS are Platform Providers)
>>>>>       o FI-LAB is the cornerstone element of the open innovation
>>>>>         ecosystem that we aim to build.  It is the meeting point
>>>>>         that allow application developers (with special attention
>>>>>         to entrepreneurs) to meet application sponsors (those who
>>>>>         wanna invest on applications or acquire them to run their
>>>>>         business or offer those applications to their customers)
>>>>>         and viceversa
>>>>>       o FI-LAB is a FI-WARE Instance deployed over a number of
>>>>>         datacenter nodes distributed and federated across Europe. 
>>>>>         As such, is an example where FI-WARE and FI-OPS are put at
>>>>>         work:
>>>>>           + FI-WARE technologies are made available to application
>>>>>             developers in FI-LAB for experimentation/testing/trialing
>>>>>           + FI-OPS tools are being used by the organizations
>>>>>             operating FI-LAB nodes in order to run their
>>>>>             operations effectively
>>>>>   * Specific messages linked to Smart Cities to be delivered in
>>>>>     the Smart City World Expo (note that some of these messages
>>>>>     may be extrapolated to other specific vertical sector such as
>>>>>     Smart Agrifood, Smart Logistics, etc)
>>>>>       o FI-WARE and FI-OPS together bring the core enablers and
>>>>>         operation support tools of a target Smart City platform.
>>>>>       o FI-WARE technologies will ease development of:
>>>>>           + innovative solutions helping cities to manage their
>>>>>             services more efficiently (e.g., garbage collection,
>>>>>             furniture maintenance, etc)
>>>>>           + innovative application/services that can be delivered
>>>>>             to citizens (e.g., application that ease car driving
>>>>>             or usage of public transport in the city)
>>>>>           + portals/platform for publication of Open APIs and Open
>>>>>             Data that developers can use to develop applications
>>>>>       o The FI-OPS suite of tools will ease operation of a Smart
>>>>>         City platform based on FI-WARE technologies
>>>>>       o Cities can connect to FI-LAB putting their open data at
>>>>>         work within that space:
>>>>>           + Entrepreneurs can use the open data available in
>>>>>             FI-LAB to build innovation solutions and
>>>>>             application/services they can showcase to cities
>>>>>           + Cities can make a deal with entrepreneurs showcasing
>>>>>             the most interesting solutions or application/services
>>>>>       o By connecting to FI-LAB, cities can benefit from the
>>>>>         visibility and promotion (marketing campaigns, success
>>>>>         stories) planned for that space
>>>>>       o There is no open innovation ecosystem a single city can
>>>>>         build on their own: FI-LAB offers cities the opportunity
>>>>>         to join forces and gain the necessary scale and level of
>>>>>         awareness among the wide community of developers
>>>>>   I would go for designing a number of slogans/messages as well as 
>>>>> marketing materials (posters, design of space in the stand) 
>>>>> targeted to Smart Cities to integrate in our stand.  Can Ogilvy 
>>>>> and those who XiFi designate make some first proposals ?
>>>>>   Messages should be appealing and easy to understand by City 
>>>>> policy makers or press media.   The above messages should be fine 
>>>>> tuned in this respect.   Focus should be in FI-LAB, because it is 
>>>>> rather tangible and it brings a differential value, but the 
>>>>> messages explaining what is FI-WARE and what is FI-OPS should be 
>>>>> present somewhere.   After all, FI-LAB is just for 
>>>>> experimentation: a city has to build or use a production-level 
>>>>> FI-WARE Instance, operated using the FI-OPS suite of tools, where 
>>>>> it can port solutions and application/services once they have been 
>>>>> tried in FI-LAB.
>>>>>   Regarding logos, we need to close:
>>>>>   * what icon will be used for FI-LAB (Ogilvy)
>>>>>   * what slogan will be used for FI-LAB - "The dream comes true" ?
>>>>>     (Ogilvy)
>>>>>   * what icon will be used for FI-OPS (who from XiFi ? ... Ogilvy
>>>>>     could make a proposal if that works for XiFi but I don't want
>>>>>     overrule XiFi here)
>>>>>   * what slogan will be used for FI-OPS (someone from XiFi as above)
>>>>>   Ogilvy are the experts, but I understand that while icons and 
>>>>> slogans can differ among the different brands, typography, colors 
>>>>> and other branding material (e.g., ribbons) should be common to 
>>>>> ease understanding that we are talking about a set of related brands.
>>>>>   Best regards,
>>>>> -- Juanjo
>>>>> -------------
>>>>> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
>>>>> website:www.tid.es
>>>>> email:jhierro at tid.es
>>>>> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
>>>>> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
>>>>> and Chief Architect
>>>>> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
>>>>> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>>>>>    website:http://www.fi-ware.eu
>>>>>    facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>>>>>    twitter:http://twitter.com/FIware
>>>>>    linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
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