[Fiware-friendly-testing-coordination] Start of activities linked to friendly testing of FIWARE by FEMTO-ST

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
Fri Oct 10 01:16:41 CEST 2014

Dear Bruno,

  The following are the instructions to follow to start the activities in the FIWARE Friendly Testing Task Force.   Please confirm urgently that this is ok.

  This Task Force is targeted to identify the issues that any developer may find when they try to approach FIWARE for the first time, even if (s)he hasn't had the opportunity to attend any of our Bootcamps or Technical Workshops.   The difference here is that you are a friendly tester, that is, you will report and properly document the issues that you find (while other developers may decide to give up when they find the first issue).   This will allow us to understand what has to be fixed.

  The Task Force will be organized in two phases:

  *   In a first phase of the Task Force, which we expect (hopefully :-) that may last one or one and a half month, you will focus on:
     *   Regarding the Cloud, Store, Mashup-Wirecloud, Data and Account Management portals available on the FIWARE Lab (http://lab.fiware.org)
        *   Make sure that everything works fine and it is intuitive enough
        *   Make sure that there is enough helpful and accurate documentation as well as video tutorials
     *   Regarding individual FIWARE components (referred as FIWARE GEris which is the acronym of FIWARE Generic Enabler reference implementation) published in the FIWARE Catalogue (http://catalogue.fiware.org):
        *   In a first step, make sure that their software can be downloaded, deployed, configured and used locally by a regular developer, using info available on the FIWARE Catalogue.
        *   In a second step, make sure that they can be deployed and configured as dedicated instances on the FIWARE Lab (using dedicated VM images, recipes and blueprints) and both dedicated and global instances running on the FIWARE Lab can be used by a regular developer, using info available on the FIWARE Catalogue and the resources available on the FIWARE Lab

  *   In a second phase (since end of first phase until the end of the year), you will focus on:
     *   Develop and document the open source code for example applications you will be asked to develop (to be defined during the first phase)
     *   Help to improve existing documentation and, overall, tutorials (written or video tutorials)

  I won't give you more details on how things can be done because part of your job is to try what third developers will try with not much more info than the above :-)

  Whenever you identify a problem to be fixed or a suggestion/request for an enhancement, please drop an email to the following help-desk addresses:

  *   fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>:  to be used when the problem/enhancement to be reported has to do with the FIWARE Lab environment
     *   problem/enhancements on functionalities offered through any of the FIWARE Lab portals: Cloud, Store, Mashup, Account, Data, Help&Info
     *   problem/enhancements trying to deploy (instantiate) and configure FIWARE GEri on the FIWARE Lab using Cloud deployment tools (creation of VM images with preinstalled GEris, usage of recipes, usage of blueprint templates)
     *   problem/enhancements trying to get access to a FIWARE GEri instance available on the FIWARE Lab: either a private dedicated instance previously deployed by you or a global instance available for all developers
  *   fiware-tech-help at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-tech-help at lists.fi-ware.org>: to be used when the problem/enhancement to be reported has to do with individual FIWARE components
     *   downloading, installing and configuring a FIWARE GEri on your local premises, using available documentation
     *   downloading, installing and configuring a FIWARE GEri on a VM previously deployed on the FIWARE Lab
     *   getting access and programming with the APIs provided by FIWARE GEri instances you have deployed (you are asked to try the tutorials provided and then event try something on your own)

  Nevertheless, don't get too much worried about what mailing list you should use (third developers may also not perform the best choice ;-)   We will deal with that and make sure things are handled properly.

  For your info, any time you send a message to any of the above channels, a ticket will be created in a JIRA HelpDesk ticketing system.   Then the 1st and 2nd level support teams will analyze it, in the most trivial cases respond directly your request for help and if they don't know how to do it, they will pass the ticket to someone from the FIWARE development teams who will take care of it.

  You will see that the HelpDesk may answer you that you have asked to solve a problem they believe should be answered on StackOverflow for the sake of other programmers.   If so, please formulate your question there.   We have decided to use StackOverflow as our forum for developers.   There are a number of tags, the more general "fiware" tag but also tags associated to the most popular FIWARE GEris like "fiware-orion", "fiware-wirecloud", you can use to ask question about FIWARE on StackOverflow.   Of course, after some time, once you get more experienced using FIWARE, you may decide to go for asking the question directly on StackOverflow.

  Fernando López <fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com><mailto:fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com> will coordinate all the tests dealing with the Cloud, Store, Mashup-Wirecloud, Data and Account Management portals available on the FIWARE Lab.

  Leandro Guillén <leandro.guillen at imdea.org><mailto:leandro.guillen at imdea.org> will coordinate all the tests dealing with individual FIWARE components published on the FIWARE Catalogue.

  You may ask any question you may have by sending a message to fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org>.  If you don't get any answer, please contact Fernando and Leandro directly (they are in the mailing list though).   If you believe your question maybe of interest to all friendly testers, not just your team, please send an email to fiware-friendly-testing at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-friendly-testing at lists.fi-ware.org>

  Regarding the tests to be carried out by FEMTO-ST, either Fernando or Leandro will soon contact you with specific instructions.   We understand that, as discussed, you will involve two developers in the Task Force (the two whose CVs you forwarded to us).

  Some last remarks to pass to members of your team:

  *   We know that you are a experienced developer.   Therefore, you may infer how some little issue you find can be overcome.   However, please report that issue so that we can fix it.   Take into account that some third developers may not be so much experienced, therefore they may not be able to overcome the same issue.   Of course, don't wait for the issue to get solved in order to continue with testing.
  *   Issue your reports in english and try to provide as much details as possible to make our task easier and solve issues as fast as possible.
  *   Any typo or improvement on language of available documentation is welcome.
  *   Don't focus just on issues/problems.   Any suggestion for enhancement is welcome.
  *   If you are blocked at any point and you don't know how to continue, please let us know.   Send an email to fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org
<mailto:fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org>If you believe your question maybe of interest to all friendly testers, send it to fiware-friendly-testing at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-friendly-testing at lists.fi-ware.org>.
<mailto:fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org>

  Let's rock !!

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo Hierro

Telefonica - Product Development and Innovation (PDI)
website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>
email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
and Chief Architect

You can follow FI-WARE at:
  website:  http://www.fi-ware.org
  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932


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