[Fiware-friendly-testing] Phase 2

FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com
Tue Nov 18 13:31:14 CET 2014

Dear all,

We have planned the following activities for the second phase, in which you will be focus on:

  *   Develop and document the open source code for example applications you will be asked to develop (to be defined during the first phase)
  *   Help to improve existing documentation and, overall, tutorials (written or video tutorials)

You will see that the HelpDesk may answer you that you have asked to solve a problem they believe should be answered on StackOverflow for the sake of other programmers.   If so, please formulate your question there.   We have decided to use StackOverflow as our forum for developers.   There are a number of tags, the more general "fiware" tag but also tags associated to the most popular FIWARE GEris like "fiware-orion", "fiware-wirecloud", you can use to ask question about FIWARE on StackOverflow.   Of course, after some time, once you get more experienced using FIWARE, you may decide to go for asking the question directly on StackOverflow.

Phase 2: Friendly Tester

  *   Develop some applications and provide Doc. about it in order to be replicated with 3rd parties.
  *   1st
     *   Take some wirecloud solutions already developed and published in the store and improve it in order to provide new functionalities.
     *   Develop new wirecloud components, integrated into the store which provide best user interaction or new functionalities that it is not currently covered.
     *   Record a video tutorial about the process
     *   Document all the process in order to see how can we use it.
     *   Responsible: ULPG tester #3.
  *   2nd
     *   Given that you have the data on COSMOS (stored in HDFS in COSMOS) and not in CKAN. Detect automatically in CKAN the availability to get the data or to know that those data are available to be used.
     *   Given that you have a Big Data content that you want to upload to the platform. Due to it is to big to upload to CKAN, you decide to upload it into COSMOS through WebHDFS. Design or develop a component on the CKAN Portal in order to detect that those dada exist and can be used. CLKAN portal should have the availability to use them.
     *   Generate a video tutorial showing the solution of the process together with how to documentation about it.
     *   Responsible: ULPG tester #2.
  *   3rd
     *   Using the CKAN functionality that allows to introduce a service endpoint to publish open data, provide a connection to the CKAN portal in order to publish information coming from the Orion Context Broker and develop and Access Control to the data per organization and users based on the Access Control and Identity Management GEis.
     *   Provide vide tutorials in which you explain how to create the solution.
     *   Provide a how to manual in order to explain 3rd parties or developer the different steps that you adopted.
     *   Responsible: Bitergia
  *   4th
     *   Given a datasets that you want to give to the community. Check the differents steps that you have to follow to publish then using different file formats like CSV, XML, …
     *   Give a detailed manuals about the different steps that you should follow in order to do it.
     *   Implement a button (not the current message in the CKAN portal) in order to request access to the data and impobe the Store application to assign permissions to the users.
     *   Provide a vide tutorials about the steps that you have to follow.
     *   Responsible: OneSource
  *   5th
     *   Given a sets of sensors that available with different data from them (position, type of resource, units used, measurements, etc…), develop a discovery service that allow me to select which sensor is better to use or which set of sensors are better to used based on the information that I want to recover from the system.
     *   Automatic publication of entities metadata in order to develop the discovery service on CKAN.
     *   Provide a video tutorial about the development of this Proof of Concept.
     *   Generate a Manual (how to) about the step by step procedure to do it.
     *   Integration with Access Control and Identity Management to allow the creation of new entities with the metadata.
     *   Responsible: ULPG tester #1.
  *   6th
     *   Follow the previous items introduced in the Phase 1, check that those that have been closed by developers where really resolved.
     *   This include all the Cloud, Account and Data Portal, Store portal and Wirecloud.
     *   Concentrate only on the Jira issues that was changed to resolved.
     *   Provide an inform to fernando.lopez at telefonica.com about those that was incorrectly closed or resolved.
     *   Responsible: FEMTO-ST

Some last remarks:

  *   We know that you are a experienced developer.   Therefore, you may infer how some little issue you find can be overcome.   However, please report that issue so that we can fix it.   Take into account that some third developers may not be so much experienced, therefore they may not be able to overcome the same issue.   Of course, don't wait for the issue to get solved in order to continue with testing.
  *   Issue your reports in english and try to provide as much details as possible to make our task easier and solve issues as fast as possible.
  *   Any typo or improvement on language of available documentation is welcome.
  *   Don't focus just on issues/problems.   Any suggestion for enhancement is welcome.
  *   If you are blocked at any point and you don't know how to continue, please let us know.   Send an email to fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org>
  *   Last but not least, I would like to remark that any email about issue that you detect must have the following schema subject:
     *   [Friendly-Tester]<[Name of GE]> Description
     *   where:
        *   Name of GE is not neccesary, but will help us to redirect the issue.
  *   And provide in the description of the issue, details about the owner of the issue (I mean your email) in order to facilitate the traceability of that issue.

I will create during today the issues in the jira in order to start to register these activities. If you have any question please contact to me. I will put it into the doc file.

Best regards,


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