[Fiware-friendly-testing] Phase 2

Alvaro del Castillo acs at bitergia.com
Tue Nov 18 22:27:05 CET 2014

Hi all!

El mar, 18-11-2014 a las 12:31 +0000, FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR escribió:
> Dear all,
> We have planned the following activities for the second phase, in
> which you will be focus on:
>       * Develop and document the open source code for example
>         applications you will be asked to develop (to be defined
>         during the first phase)
>       * Help to improve existing documentation and, overall, tutorials
>         (written or video tutorials)
> You will see that the HelpDesk may answer you that you have asked to
> solve a problem they believe should be answered on StackOverflow for
> the sake of other programmers.   If so, please formulate your question
> there.   We have decided to use StackOverflow as our forum for
> developers.   There are a number of tags, the more general "fiware"
> tag but also tags associated to the most popular FIWARE GEris like
> "fiware-orion", "fiware-wirecloud", you can use to ask question about
> FIWARE on StackOverflow.   Of course, after some time, once you get
> more experienced using FIWARE, you may decide to go for asking the
> question directly on StackOverflow.


>       * 3rd 
>               * Using the CKAN functionality that allows to introduce
>                 a service endpoint to publish open data, provide a
>                 connection to the CKAN portal in order to publish
>                 information coming from the Orion Context Broker and
>                 develop and Access Control to the data per
>                 organization and users based on the Access Control and
>                 Identity Management GEis. 
>               * Provide vide tutorials in which you explain how to
>                 create the solution. 
>               * Provide a how to manual in order to explain 3rd
>                 parties or developer the different steps that you
>                 adopted.
>               * Responsible: Bitergia 

Great! We have started to work on it.

> Some last remarks:
>       * We know that you are a experienced developer.   Therefore, you
>         may infer how some little issue you find can be overcome.
>         However, please report that issue so that we can fix it.
>         Take into account that some third developers may not be so
>         much experienced, therefore they may not be able to overcome
>         the same issue.   Of course, don't wait for the issue to get
>         solved in order to continue with testing.
>       * Issue your reports in english and try to provide as much
>         details as possible to make our task easier and solve issues
>         as fast as possible.
>       * Any typo or improvement on language of available documentation
>         is welcome.   
>       * Don't focus just on issues/problems.   Any suggestion for
>         enhancement is welcome.
>       * If you are blocked at any point and you don't know how to
>         continue, please let us know.   Send an email to
>         fiware-friendly-testing-coordination at lists.fi-ware.org
>       * Last but not least, I would like to remark that any email
>         about issue that you detect must have the following schema
>         subject: 
>               * [Friendly-Tester]<[Name of GE]> Description 
>               * where: 
>                       * Name of GE is not neccesary, but will help us
>                         to redirect the issue. 
>       * And provide in the description of the issue, details about the
>         owner of the issue (I mean your email) in order to facilitate
>         the traceability of that issue.
> I will create during today the issues in the jira in order to start to
> register these activities.

Great, we will use it for reporting advances.


>  If you have any question please contact to me. I will put it into the
> doc file.
> Best regards,
>     Fernando.-
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Alvaro del Castillo San Félix
acs at bitergia.com - Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
"Software metrics for your peace of mind"

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