[FIWARE-ihubs-committee] Fwd: Revamping iHubs MSC charter

Ali Benbrahim ali.bb at ipnet.tn
Wed Dec 7 07:46:18 CET 2022

Dear all,
This work is an initiative to protect the coherence of the iHubs MSC. As
the actual Charter do not define the MSC members as the ihubs .
see :

Also , the importance of finalising the charter has been announced since
long time , see the minutes of the MSC meetings, and no one tackles the

The work done is a suggestion to the Members, not final  , it is proposing
a text for regulating the iHubs MSC . please read it
and feed us back, be constructive.
Best regards.

On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 at 22:54, Gonzalo Alfredo La Rosa <glarosa at enfatic.com.ar>

> Ali and all,
> Unfortunately, as Chair of the FIWARE iHubs MSC, I have not had the
> opportunity to agree on the date of the workshop in which this new charter
> was revised, and I have not yet had the opportunity to read this document
> now distributed to the entire community.
> In any case, if the charter modifies the requirements for applying to the
> Chair and ViceChair position, I think a longer period of time for
> presenting candidatures should be given, so that potential applicants can
> evaluate their candidatures in a transparent manner.
> Bottom line: as a next step I suggest that we first review the charter
> carefully between the chair and vice chair, and then MSC and FF Board of
> Officers, since that may facilitate the ultimate approval by the FF Board
> of Directors, and then once we have a more consolidated version, share it
> to the rest for final comments. In the meantime, if someone wish to share
> any comment, they are welcome.
> Greetings.
> Gonzalo
> El mar, 6 dic 2022 a las 17:16, Ali Benbrahim (<ali.bb at ipnet.tn>)
> escribió:
>> Dear All
>> Following our last friday's workshop, This is the corrections done on the
>> document 'charter'
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JgE9pFQ-dSHhpUL2RzVXZ61pWD8eAkj3H2mSBrxD0Fs/edit#
>> and a clean ver0
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14akOfo42x1A7Cn6VHDyj_5UQdwXXaupURKlcbq6g6RY/edit#
>> Please note to me any discordance or misunderstanding
>> It is important to validate the charter as it doesn't define that the
>> members of the committee are the iHubs .
>> this is the list of the committee Members  :
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BY2sKJAsfnbHxmW5NBCGQ1TsibJnHgRcTKGn0ges_O4/edit#gid=0
>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BY2sKJAsfnbHxmW5NBCGQ1TsibJnHgRcTKGn0ges_O4/edit#gid=0>
>> please to update .
>> and you can add a name to delegate in case on non presence in the meeting
>> Don't forget last date to postulate to be candidate to char and vice
>> chair of the iHubs MSC is tomorrow
>> BR
>> Ali.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Ali Benbrahim <ali.bb at ipnet.tn>
>> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 at 10:12
>> Subject: Revamping iHubs MSC charter
>> To: Fiware-ihubs-committee <Fiware-ihubs-committee at lists.fiware.org>
>> Dear All,
>> As you know, the process of completing the iHubs MSC Charter, which
>> contains the rules of the MSC and the two-year strategic plan of the
>> coordination of iHubs, has been underway for a long time!
>> A working group composed of Mr. Stefano, Ms. Angeles and myself will meet
>> on Friday, December 2 at 2:00 p.m. CET with the objective of clarifying,
>> deciding and evaluating this Charter document.
>> This assessment will be used to help you decide what the role of the MSC
>> will be.
>> All iHubs are invited to attend this work group .
>> meeting link :  https://meet.google.com/weg-shws-zhq
>> Best regards
>> Ali.
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