[FIWARE-ihubs-committee] Contributions for working groups iHubs

Ali Benbrahim ali.bb at ipnet.tn
Wed Apr 5 18:53:35 CEST 2023

Thank you Vincent for your feedback.
Your view on the creation of WGs is excellent , let's have the use of the
Faubourg Numerique experience , how do you have this "technology watch" on
what will be the next tech or concept to be in. This in order to
participate to the funded projects . In my opinion, and as I was
explaining in the MSC meeting, the projects need budgets.

So I will let you lead the fourth Group "Budget needed to create workgroups"

I will take care of the first group "How FIWARE iHubs can contribute to
develop the FIWARE ecosystem " . If any one else would like to take , i
will be more than happy :)

Who is ready to take the 2 others :
-  "Incomes and business models for the FIWARE iHubs" Irene ?
- "Use of MiMs for the citizen participations and contributions" Pierre ?

Please join groups so we can all present our proposition and suggestion at
th Global Summit

I will create share directory where we can start our work

Again , your suggestions please


On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 14:26, Vincent Demortier <vincent.demortier at oasc.fr>

> Hi all,
> Very interesting debate about the next level of maturity to target for the
> FIWARE iHubs network and stimulate the interest in structured WGs!!
> From DIH Faubourg Numérique point of view, the critical question before
> engaging efforts (to avoid waste of time and energy) in the iHubs WGs is
> (aligned with what Ali presented): are there identified topics in which we
> - as FIWARE iHub - are willing to share cost and risk ? ... and for which
> possible shared benefits?
> In other words, do we really want to collbaratively build common value
> propositions at global level? (...knowing that it requires to engage
> efforts + costs with no guarantee on the expected benefits! Benefit does
> not necessarly means revenues : learning / notoriety / networking - and
> fun! - are also quite significant benefits! ... but for sure,
> efforts/investments  mean costs ... to be covered with real money!)
> In the perspective that the collaborative response to these questions is
> "yes, that's what most of the FIWARE iHubs expect from the network
> strategy", here are the proposed possible contributions from DIH Faubourg
> Numérique:
> - in synergy with what is done for DSBA hubs tool: we could lead the
> setting up of the FIWARE iHubSpace to strucure and share info among the
> FIWARE iHubs (activities / capabilities / collobaration opportunities =
> share cost, risk ... and possible revenues)
> - as Living-in.eu (and OASC) contributor for many years, we can contribute
> to the proposed WG3 activities (examples of what we've already done to
> demonstrate the MIMs with FIWARE: https://youtu.be/P0A1D6lRq2M ,
> https://youtu.be/YWpwInq5EOg , ... and more to come very soon from the ODALA
> project <https://odalaproject.eu/>)
> - and of course, for us, the priority for global collaboration and
> contribution is still related to the implementation of digital twins and
> their integration in the Smart Open MetaWorld ;)
> If response is "no, the iHubs just need to get validated by the peers to
> locally and individually valorize the FIWARE iHub label, and extend the
> FIWARE footprint" : status quo (that's also fine!) ... no need of WGs.
> I hope this will contribute to the discussion / ideas / debate ... and
> decision ;)
> Kind regards,
> Vincent
> DIH Faubourg Numérique / EDIH Hauts-de-France
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 10:52 AM Ali Benbrahim <ali.bb at ipnet.tn> wrote:
>> Ciao Irene,
>> Thank you for your feedback, it is really useful.
>> i would like to share this thread , so, all iHubs can participate and
>> comment in order to make a final decision.
>> First , you are right saying we miss participation from iHubs because not
>> many common activities. And this was the purpose of topic 1 , sorry that it
>> look complicated to you .
>> Let me try to simplify:
>> We observe that the actual activities of  the iHubs in the FIWARE
>> ecosystem is mainly marketing: presentation of product, presentation of
>> activity ...
>> I have noticed first the iHubs do not participate and contribute with the
>> technical teams (or very few actions) .
>> My experience, when I have used the tutorial contents for my students, it
>> is not straitful , technical documentation, even if it is very good, needs
>> to be tested, completed adapted and translated. And this is where iHubs can
>> do the job,* just like any open source community*.
>> iHubs can contribute not only in tutorials, but also in debugging,
>> developing, testing the code, developing use cases ...
>> ihubs can contribute not only with FF but also with members, with
>> evangelists, with universities ...
>> So you see, in creating these technical activities , we help the iHubs to
>> have new opportunities and they can be attracted to participate more , we
>> even settle in a second step a remuneration or a compensation based on a
>> contribution token.
>> so this is the idea of topic 1
>> Best regards
>> Ali.
>> On Wed, 29 Mar 2023 at 17:06, Irene Provvidenza <i.provvidenza at teamdev.it>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Angeles and Ali,
>>> Thanks a lot as always for your massive efforts for the MSC calls and
>>> events!
>>> Here is my personal point of view and contribution.
>>> We all see the problems that our group of ihubs face: many ihubs are not
>>> participating, we don't have specific activities, many think to waste time
>>> and do not take part into the activities.
>>> This is why I agree with the definition of working groups, to share
>>> activities and suggestions, but I think the goal should be to simplify them
>>> as much as possible in order to have clear goals and make people
>>> participate in them.
>>> I mean that the groups should present clear and simple activities,
>>> express some things to DO and not just discussing again and then everyone
>>> disappear because there is no time to be more involved etc...
>>> For example, the group 1 is not very clear to me, is very general; could
>>> we instead define it as a marketing working group? I mean, the goal is
>>> "promote the ihubs, make them known in order to find new partners and
>>> opportunities", how can we do that? By preparing presentations, social
>>> media posts, videos, in collaboration with FIWARE of course, and so on...
>>> Defining precise and simple activities could be the key, in my opinion.
>>> Furthermore, in this way I think it could be easier for everyone to
>>> participate and be more active. Also because I think that, if people can
>>> not find 2 hours per month to dedicate to this, I fear they will not find
>>> more time outside our meetings; if we instead use the meeting in order to
>>> work as working groups, I think it could be more efficient and people would
>>> be more attracted to participate.
>>> These are my ideas, hope everything is clear enough but of course I am
>>> available to discuss again if needed.
>>> Thanks again for your support and hope to see you soon!
>>> All the best,
>>> *Irene Provvidenza*
>>> Business Developer
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