[Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] Automatic Migration Scripts

TrentoNode Support-XiFi support-xifi at trentinonetwork.it
Wed May 18 14:54:33 CEST 2016

Dear all,

As mentioned yesterday at the technical meeting, 
we would like to share with all of you the scripts that we have implemented and used during our last migration to the new Trento2 node.


This scripts allows the infrastructure owner to migrate user resources in an automated fashion (resources & floatingIP quotas, keypairs and instances)
and can also with some improvements be used for any migration among two different nodes of the federation.

Also a web interface has been implemented in order to provide a tool for the user,
in order to migrate the proper instances in an independent way, without involving the infrastructure administrators.
In the next days we will post also the details about the web-interface, just the time to provide some more documentation. 

You can find the web interface :

Any improvement proposal will be welcome.

Best regards
Trento Node Team



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