[Fiware-lab-help] FI-LAB Assistance

Christoph Ziegler ziegler at irt.de
Mon Nov 11 16:33:29 CET 2013

Hi José and Fernando,

I am now able to access my instance via putty. I have already installed 
Tomcat6. I can access the default "It works!" page from a web browser.

Seems everything works fine.



Am 11.11.2013 13:44, schrieb Christoph Ziegler:
> Hi José and Fernando,
> thanks for your quick response and your efforts in solving this.
> I will check later, if it works now and come back with a feedback.
> Kind regards,
> Christoph
> Am 11.11.2013 12:52, schrieb José Ignacio Carretero Guarde:
>> Hi Christop,
>> The problems are solved and your VM is accesible again.
>> Best regards,
>> José Ignacio.
>> El 11/11/13 10:45, FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR escribió:
>>> Hi Christoph,
>>> We are experimenting a problem with the file system of our DataCenter
>>> in which
>>> we are currently working on in order to resolve the problem. I suppose
>>> that it is
>>> the problem that you have.
>>> We keep inform you asap when we resolve the problem.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Fernando López Aguilar
>>> Cloud Computing
>>> fla at tid dot es
>>> +34 914 832 729
>>> Telefónica I+D (R&D)
>>> Ronda de la Comunicación s/n
>>> Distrito C, Edificio Oeste 1, Planta 9
>>> 28043 Madrid, Spain
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>>> El 11/11/2013, a las 09:40, Christoph Ziegler <ziegler at irt.de
>>> <mailto:ziegler at irt.de>> escribió:
>>>> Dear FI-Lab Team,
>>>> We aim to deploy a specific enabler from the FI-PPP use-case project
>>>> FIcontent on FI-Lab. So I started experimenting with setting up an
>>>> instance on FI-Lab. I followed all steps from the video tutorial on
>>>> "FI-WARE Cloud Instances".
>>>> Everything seemed to work fine, except that I can not reach the
>>>> public IP address that I allocated and associated to the instance I
>>>> created. Even the VNC tool on FI-Lab can not connect to the instance.
>>>> Can you help me?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Christoph
>>>> -- 
>>>> Christoph Ziegler
>>>> Platforms for Broadcast Services
>>>> Tel.: +49(0)89/323 99-380
>>>> mail: ziegler at irt.de <mailto:ziegler at irt.de>
>>>> Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik GmbH
>>>> Research and Development Institute of ARD, ZDF, DRadio, ORF and 
>>>> SRG/SSR
>>>> Floriansmuehlstraße 60, 80939 Muenchen, Germany
>>>> registration court Munich Commercial, Register No. B 5191
>>>> Managing Director: Dr. Klaus Illgner-Fehns
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Christoph Ziegler
Platforms for Broadcast Services
Tel.: +49(0)89/323 99-380
mail: ziegler at irt.de

Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik GmbH
Research and Development Institute of ARD, ZDF, DRadio, ORF and SRG/SSR
Floriansmuehlstraße 60, 80939 Muenchen, Germany
registration court Munich Commercial, Register No. B 5191
Managing Director: Dr. Klaus Illgner-Fehns

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