[Fiware-lab-help] Minutes from the first meeting on Help Desk procedures

Federico Michele Facca federico.facca at create-net.org
Wed Jul 23 15:30:04 CEST 2014

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Miguel Carrillo <
miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com> wrote:

>  Thanks , Federico
> I am cleaning a long queue of pending emails.
> I read the minutes and I found this comment by you:
> "The above procedure can also create a case where already the first
> recipient (e.g. Czech node) receives a ticket in a foreign language (e.g.
> in Spanish). Who is responsible for translating? We need a clear rule /
> commitment for that. "

> I said that I would not mind the French node answering a question in
> French. Not that I would take someone sending queries in German to France!
> Flexibility is not getting entangled in translations. Escalation from a
> local node and shift of language should be unusual - and dealt with
> naturally.
> It may be the case that the Czechs know German, I do not know. It depends
> on the node to decide the languages they use (English is a must). If
> something goes to FAQs, it must be English.
> In the case you put in the minutes, the answer is pretty obvious:
>  "Dear user, thanks for contacting us. The official language of FI-Lab is
> English. However, we try to be flexible with the use of local languages in
> the nodes when we can  (e.g. we do not mind question in French in the
> French nodes, for instance)
> Unfortunately we only have support in English and Czech in the Czech node
> of FI-Lab. Would you be so kind as to reformulate your question in any of
> these languages? Thanks  for understanding"
> Best regards,

hi miguel,
totally agree, the comment was by Uwe :) as by my reply "we assume that
languages available depends on language supported by the local node."

> El 14/07/2014 15:22, Federico Michele Facca escribió:
>  best,
> federico
>  --
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Dr. Federico M. Facca

Via alla Cascata 56/D
38123 Povo Trento (Italy)

T  +39 0461 408400 (1669)
F  +39 0461 421157
M +39 334 6049758
E  federico.facca at create-net.org
W  www.create-net.org
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