[Fiware-lab-help] [Wirecloud][Creating new workspace] Unable to create a new workspace from the wiring map view

Fi-ware ULPGC fiware at ulpgc.es
Fri Oct 31 11:50:47 CET 2014

Web Browser: Google Chrome version 38.0.2125.104
Operating System: OSX version 10.9.3
User id: wirecloud


Users are unable to create a new workspace from the wiring map view. There
is an option button but if users click on it nothing happens and no options
are displayed.

In the image named ‘Unable to create a new workspace from the wiring map_1’
we can see the options button.

How to replicate:

1. Log in
2. Go to the wiring map view
3. Click on the option button in order to create a new workspace.
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