[Fiware-lab-help] Develop new ideas, new thinking and new contacts

International Smart Cities: Shaping the Future Conference evi at openforumconferences.co.uk
Fri Dec 11 11:57:02 CET 2015

Following our previous correspondence, there has been a big announcement
relating to the Northern Powerhouse agenda:

Exciting times for Manchester, as £10 million is awarded to create a
“Smarter City"(gov.uk) Who is going to be next?

You can hear directly about how Manchester will develop these plans with
Steve Turner, Head of Smart Cities at Manchester City Council confirmed to
speak! We are really passionate about all the new changes that will soon
become a part of our everyday life and have some fantastic examples to
share with you at the event. Join us at the Smart Cities: Shaping the
Future conference for the opportunity to learn from high-profile speakers
with invaluable knowledge and practical experience of leading the
revolution towards a smarter city at both local and national scale.

Featured speakers:

Keynote Address

Ms FOO Chi Hsia, High Commissioner, High Commission of the Republic of
Singapore (confirmed)
“Singapore as a Smart City Pioneer”

Guest Speaker

Drew Hemment, Founder and CEO, FutureEverything and Dundee Fellow & Reader
at The University of Dundee (confirmed)

Steve Turner, Head of Smart Cities at Manchester City Council (confirmed)

Nic Cary , Head of Digital Transformation at Department for Transport

Anthony Smith, chief executive, Passenger Focus (confirmed)

Melanie Johnson, chair of the UK Card Association (confirmed)

Amanda Coleman, Head of Corporate Communications for Greater Manchester
Police (confirmed)

Conference is taking place on 15th of March in Manchester form 9.00am



Book Today:

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Benefits of Attending:

Regiester your Interest: just reply to this email.

Kind regards,

Evi Petkuna
Marketing Executive

evi at openforumconferences.co.uk
  Tel: 0161 376 9007

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