[Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: Failed to launch new instances

Federico Michele Facca federico.facca at create-net.org
Mon Jan 19 17:25:07 CET 2015

Hi Tero,
I got the message from sys admins that a set of public IPs has be been made
available to developers. So you should be able to attach the gateway and
self-assign a floating ip. If you still have problems, i will put you
directly in contact with them.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Federico Michele Facca <
federico.facca at create-net.org> wrote:

> Hi Tero,
> I assigned your ticket to stockholm infrastructure, they will assign you a
> floating ip.
> Federico
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Tero Vuorela <tero.vuorela at iki.fi> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> Thanks for help. I have now successfully launched an VM using Stockholm
>> node. I have created a private network and a router according to
>> instructions. Now only public floating IP is missing so that I could start
>> working with the server.
>> I'm able to create floating IP from the pool XIFIfederatedACREO, but
>> based on its name it is not probably what is needed. Also if I try to
>> associate the IP to the created VM I get an error: {"badRequest":
>> {"message": "Error. Unable to associate floating ip", "code": 400}}.
>> Creating from the pool XIFIpublicACREO fails with {"computeFault":
>> {"message": "The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the
>> requested operation.", "code": 500}} but this is seems to be because public
>> IP need to be requested separately?
>> What information you need for requesting public floating IP for Stockholm
>> node?
>> Network is
>> GBerryNetwork
>> <https://cloud.lab.fiware.org/#neutron/networks/9550acfc-e9e3-4b2b-9646-4d604582493b>
>> *Subnet1*
>>    - *Name:* (9550acfc-e9e3-4b2b-9646-4d604582493b)
>>    - *ID:* 9550acfc-e9e3-4b2b-9646-4d604582493b
>> Router
>>    - *Name:* GBerryRouter
>>    - *ID:* f5fc79d7-8d9c-4d54-8e4b-357b5841a0da
>>    - *Status:* ACTIVE
>>    - *External Gateway Information: *
>>    - *Connected External Network:* XIFIpublicACREO
>> VM instance
>>    - *Name: * GBerryStockholmUbuntu14Large
>>    - *ID: * e5a9483f-a4ba-4ddc-ac8f-2b240172ea94
>>    - *Status: * ACTIVE
>> Regards,
>> Tero
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015, at 06:46 PM, Federico Michele Facca wrote:
>> Dear Tero,
>> regarding Prague, I am not sure what is the issue you are experiencing.
>> May it be you selected a flavour that is too small?
>> In budapest, I experienced your issue as well, thus I suspect they are
>> having problem at the moment.
>> Anyhow, I tested both the nodes closest to you: Karlskrona and Stockholm.
>> No issue to launch vms. You will need anyhow to create your own private
>> network and request for a floating IP to the local sys admin to access the
>> vm via public IP. (this last step need to be handled manually
>> unfortunately).
>> to try follow this guide:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27543127/deploy-vm-in-fiware-lab-nodes-with-neutron
>> except step 6 and 9. if you confirm me that you are able on one of the
>> two nodes to launch vms, I will then ask the local sys admin to assign you
>> a floating ip.
>> Best,
>> Federico
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 6:40 AM, Tero Vuorela <tero.vuorela at iki.fi>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for your answer. If this is not a general problem, is there
>> something I could do to help you to troubleshoot situation?
>> I guess this should not be an issue of used browser. I'm using Firefox.
>> Quickly testingI wouldn't expect this to be problem of a specific image.
>> I have mainly tried Ubuntu 14.04 images but also tried CentOS and other
>> ready made images.
>> I have experimented many functions in FI-Lab portal, so I thought maybe I
>> have managed to take my account is some unknown state and that might cause
>> problems for launching instances. So I created a new account (
>> theros at iki.fi).
>> By the way I wanted to check if a second account is according to terms
>> and conditions, but on sign up page the link
>> http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-LAB_Terms_and_Conditions
>> says
>> FI-WARE Forge Could Not Connect to Database:
>> and the link in a confirmation email
>> http://wiki.fiware.org/FI-LAB_Terms_and_Conditions
>> says
>> PAGE NOT FOUND <https://forge.fi-ware.org/>
>> With the new account I just selected Budapest: Creating publicRange IP
>> failed
>> {"computeFault": {"message": "The server has either erred or is incapable
>> of performing the requested operation.", "code": 500}}
>> but mdvpnRange IP creation was ok, although I wasn't able to associate it
>> to successfully launched image.
>>  {"badRequest": {"message": "Error. Unable to associate floating ip",
>> "code": 400}}
>> Based on floating IP name, mdvpnRange might not even be correct type of
>> floating IP to get ssh access over public internet. Floating IP pools vary
>> between regions, I haven't seen any instructions what should be selected
>> although I can assume something based on a IP pool name.
>> With the new account I also tried to launch instance on Prague region,
>> but like before it started spawning and resulted soon to ERROR. So I don't
>> see differences between accounts.
>> I'm not in urgent hurry but I would like to having working setup as I'm
>> right now starting to work with my project utilizing FIWare generic
>> enablers. Please advice, if there is something I can do for helping
>> troubleshooting.
>> Regards,
>> Tero Vuorela
>> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015, at 10:52 AM, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry to hear that this is causing so much trouble. Some nodes assign IP
>> addresses upon request. Let us check if the Prague node has free IP
>> addresses first. Each node has a separate 2nd level team locally, I'll
>> contact the Czech one right away.
>> If they fail to provide a good answer soon (hopefully not), then we can
>> move to the Budapest team.
>> In response to your general question, the answer is that we are not aware
>> of a general problem.
>> Best regards,
>> Miguel
>> El 13/01/2015 a las 20:57, Tero Vuorela escribió:
>> Hello,
>> I have got answer to my earlier post and I was instructed to use either
>> Budapest or Prague regions. I tested those:
>>  - Budapest: Instance creation fails here too like I have described
>>  below. Deployment starts but ends to simple ERROR. No additional
>>  information.
>>  - Prague: I managed successfully launch instance but I'm unable to
>>  allocate IP. There I get reasonable error message
>> Error allocating IP address. Cause: 404 Error
>> {"itemNotFound": {"message": "NoMoreFloatingIps: Zero floating ips
>> available.", "code": 404}}
>> How ever when "Allocate Floating IP" dialog is open quota said that
>> there is one available.
>> I systematically went through all regions and (just for me?) all but
>> Poznan failed in away or another: either VM launching results to error
>> or floating IPs can't be assigned. On Poznan region I managed to connect
>> a launched VM with ssh.
>> I still wonder is this a general error situation, or is it just me who
>> is experiencing these problems.
>> Regards
>> Tero Vuorela
>> ----- Original message -----
>> From: Tero Vuorela <tero.vuorela at iki.fi> <tero.vuorela at iki.fi>
>> To: fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org
>> Subject: Failed to launch new instances
>> Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 10:30:43 +0200
>> Hi,
>> I trying to launch new instances in Fi-Lab but for some reason launching
>> fails every time and instance gets into error state. See attached
>> screenshot. I can't find any additional information for the error.
>> I tried different regions and different instances, but a result is same:
>> I originally had a test instance running on Spain region, that was
>> launched in October but I deleted it as I couldn't anymore find keypair,
>> and understood that you can't associate new keypairs to existing
>> instance.
>> Is there a general problem in Fi-Lab, or am I just missing some step?
>> Regards,
>> Tero Vuorela
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>>  --
>> Tero Vuorela
>> tero.vuorela at iki.fi
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>> Tero Vuorela
>> tero.vuorela at iki.fi
> --
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