[Fiware-lab-help] VMs are not removed

Ruben Sospedra ruben.sospedra at huballin.com
Wed Mar 4 14:57:15 CET 2015

We're in Spain, thanks ;)

   <http://www.huballin.com/>*Rubén Sospedra*Co-founder & CTO
ruben.sospedra at huballin.com
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On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Uwe Herzog <herzog at eurescom.eu> wrote:

>  Hi Ruben,
> sorry for the trouble you have. Could you let me know on which region you
> work? I would then check with this node to see if it is a node-related
> issue.
> Best regards,
> Uwe
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