[Fiware-lab-help] [FINESCE-WP4] COSMOS : Execution Error, return code -101 from shark.execution.SparkTask

Pellegrino Dario dario.pellegrino at eng.it
Thu Mar 5 10:33:37 CET 2015

Dear all,
we have been facing a connection issue in the COSMOS instance.
This is the error message related to the execution of hive query launched by our Java Client: java.sql.SQLException: Query returned non-zero code: 9, cause: FAILED: Execution Error, return code -101 from shark.execution.SparkTask
Waiting for your feedback, thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Dario Pellegrino

Dario Pellegrino
Direzione Ricerca e Innovazione - R&D Lab
dario.pellegrino at eng.it<mailto:dario.pellegrino at eng.it>

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa
Viale Regione Siciliana, 7275 - 90146 Palermo
Tel. +39-091.7511847
Mob. +39-346.5325257

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