[Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team

Raul Palma rpalma at man.poznan.pl
Thu May 14 15:19:08 CEST 2015

Thanks Federico,
In addition to the two issues I sent today, we have still some previous
unsolved issues. I am summarising them below:

1. We would like to use the Waterford Fi-Lab node, could you please that
this node is stable and can be used for our production servers? Is the plan
for this node to stay up for the duration on the project?
2. Wrt to a particular GE: a) either of the two available PEP proxies for
Orion (i.e. either /fiware-orion-pep or /fi-ware-pep-proxy) can use
Keycloak's IDM instead of Keystone's ? b) if not, are there plans to make
this functionality available?
3. One SME says they were able to get a public IP on the PireasN Node, but
they can't reach, not even ping, their VM on the public IP that they
assigned to it. Any ideas on why this may be the case? (VM details below)


here are VM details:
IP Addresses: node-int-net-01: / node-int-net-01:
name: connecterra_vm
Floating IP Pool: public-ext-net-01
Image Name: Ubuntu12.04-server-x86_64
Region: PiraesN
Security Group: default
Status: ACTIVE
Power State: RUNNING
The Instance Console Log is Empty

From:  Federico Michele Facca <federico.facca at create-net.org>
Date:  Thursday 14 May 2015 14:06
To:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
Cc:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
<miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>, <jira-help-desk at fi-ware.org>,
isobel fletcher <isobel.fletcher at ebn.eu>, "Kruize, Jan Willem"
<janwillem.kruize at wur.nl>, "fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org"
<fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>, epower <epower at tssg.org>, FERNANDO
LOPEZ AGUILAR <fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com>
Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team

Dear Raul,
Thanks for your feedbacks.

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl> wrote:
> Hi Federico,
> Thank you for the answer.
> We are really looking forward for the support as some of our SMEs are being
> delayed because of these issues.
> We have 2 more questions:
> "1) Since the IdM upgrade, Our account has been split into two accounts with
> similar names. None of them have access to any regions besides Spain2. We read
> all related instructions in emails and mailing lists but no success yet. So I
> can't create any VMs in Poznan. Should I try creating a new account? I'd like
> to avoid this since it would null all our standing applications. Our Spain2 VM
> was actually accesssible for a few days last week, but for the past days, it's
> still out opf reach and always times out on connections.

@level 1 team, please assign to spain the issue.
> 2) We've finished our community-level application a month ago and yesterday we
> got official confirmation that it was approved (I'm forwarding the message).
> But there's no indication of out account status in the cloud portal. The
> "Request Commulity level upgrade" button and accept terms popup are still
> there although we dealt with them many times in the past. Not very
> professional :)”

i suspect the pop is not checking if the term and conditions are already
accepted. @level-1 team please assign a ticket on this issue to alvaro.

@raul, let me know if 1) is not solved quickly. i will chase who can help

> Waiting for your feedback.
> Regards,
> Raul
> From:  Federico Michele Facca <federico.facca at create-net.org>
> Date:  Monday 11 May 2015 12:27
> To:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
> Cc:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>, <jira-help-desk at fi-ware.org>, isobel
> fletcher <isobel.fletcher at ebn.eu>, "Kruize, Jan Willem"
> <janwillem.kruize at wur.nl>, "fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org"
> <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>, epower <epower at tssg.org>
> Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
> Hi Raul,
> big apologizes from the team. We have running is serious troubles on different
> nodes with the update of the new keystone. As soon as stabilized (hopefully
> today, since it seems we found out the blocking issue), we will come back to
> you.
> Federico
> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> We are still trying to get support from fiware on the issues below. Is it
>> possible to get some feedback from someone?
>> Thanks,
>> Raul
>> From:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
>> Date:  Thursday 7 May 2015 13:25
>> To:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>, <jira-help-desk at fi-ware.org>
>> Cc:  Sándor Laki <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>,
>> <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>, "'iwave at unipi.gr'" <iwave at unipi.gr>,
>> "Kruize, Jan Willem" <janwillem.kruize at wur.nl>
>> Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>> Hi again,
>> Is someone able to provide feedback on this?
>> Thanks,
>> Raul
>> From:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
>> Date:  Tuesday 5 May 2015 14:41
>> To:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
>> Cc:  Sándor Laki <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>,
>> <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>, "'iwave at unipi.gr'" <iwave at unipi.gr>,
>> "Kruize, Jan Willem" <janwillem.kruize at wur.nl>
>> Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>> Dear helpdesk team,
>> We did not receive any answer about the issue below…
>> We have some other questions:
>> * We would like to use the Waterford Fi-Lab node, could you please that this
>> node is stable and can be used for our production servers? Is the plan for
>> this node to stay up for the duration on the project?
>> * Could you also let me know what the different between these IP pools is
>> please, and which we should be choosing: federation-ext-net-01 and
>> public-ext-net-01. The option is given when selecting to assign a floating IP
>> to the project.
>> * Wrt to a particular GE: a) either of the two available PEP proxies for
>> Orion (i.e. either /fiware-orion-pep or /fi-ware-pep-proxy) can use
>> Keycloak's IDM instead of Keystone's ?
>> b) if not, are there plans to make this functionality available?
>> I look forward for your assistance.
>> Thanks,
>> Raul
>> From:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
>> Date:  Monday 30 March 2015 21:33
>> To:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
>> Cc:  Sándor Laki <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>,
>> <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>, "'iwave at unipi.gr'" <iwave at unipi.gr>
>> Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>> Dear helpdesk team,
>> We have another issue:
>> One SME says they were able to get a public IP on the PireasN Node, but they
>> can't reach, not even ping, their VM on the public IP that they assigned to
>> it. Any ideas on why this may be the case?
>> here are some details:
>> IP Addresses: node-int-net-01: / node-int-net-01:
>> name: connecterra_vm
>> Floating IP Pool: public-ext-net-01
>> Image Name: Ubuntu12.04-server-x86_64
>> Region: PiraesN
>> Security Group: default
>> Status: ACTIVE
>> Power State: RUNNING
>> The Instance Console Log is Empty
>> Thanks,
>> Raul
>> From:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
>> Date:  Monday 30 March 2015 20:49
>> To:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
>> Cc:  Sándor Laki <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>,
>> <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>, "'iwave at unipi.gr'" <iwave at unipi.gr>
>> Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>> Dear helpdesk team,
>> I still don’t have any answer from Spain. Are they giving support? Please see
>> last comment in https://github.com/SAF2/documentation/issues/3
>> Thanks,
>> Raul
>> From:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>
>> Date:  Monday 16 March 2015 17:32
>> To:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
>> Cc:  Sándor Laki <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>,
>> <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>, "'iwave at unipi.gr'" <iwave at unipi.gr>
>> Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>> Dear Raul 
>>  We are  forwarding again  your request to Spain helpdesk team.
>>  Kind regards
>>  IWAVE team, on behalf of helpdesk team
>>  On 3/16/2015 1:35 PM, Raul Palma wrote:
>>> Dear Aristi
>>> I would like to know if there is any feedback on this? I haven’t received
>>> any reply from Spain helpdesk team yet.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Raul
>>> From:  Aristi Galani <agalani at unipi.gr>
>>>  Date:  Wednesday 11 March 2015 10:41
>>>  To:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>, Sándor Laki
>>> <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
>>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>, <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>
>>>  Cc:  "'iwave at unipi.gr <mailto:%27iwave at unipi.gr> '" <iwave at unipi.gr>
>>>  Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>>> Dear Raul 
>>>   We forwarded your request to Spain helpdesk team .
>>>  Kind regards
>>>  IWAVE team, on behalf of helpdesk team
>>>  On 3/10/2015 5:13 PM, Raul Palma wrote:
>>>> Dear Sandor, 
>>>> The SME said that they are using the Spain region. They are in the UK and
>>>> were advised to use the Spain one.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Raul
>>>> From:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
>>>>  Date:  Tuesday 10 March 2015 15:23
>>>>  To:  Sándor Laki <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>,  MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
>>>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>,
>>>> <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>
>>>>  Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>>>> Dear Sandor
>>>> Thank you for following this. Do you mean the FIWARE-lab node that they are
>>>> currently using, or?
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Raul
>>>> From:  Sándor Laki <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>
>>>>  Date:  Friday 6 March 2015 21:16
>>>>  To:  MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>,
>>>> Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>,  <fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>
>>>>  Subject:  Re: [Fiware-lab-help] SAF2 technical team
>>>> Dear Raul,
>>>>  With respect to question 2 & 3, could you please send us the name of the
>>>> region you use?
>>>>  Thanks in advance!
>>>>  Best regards,
>>>>  Sandor
>>>>  2015.03.06. 15:34 keltezéssel, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO írta:
>>>>>   Dear Raúl,
>>>>>  The coach has also sent us the same thing.
>>>>>  In short, as I am leaving now:
>>>>>  I can reply to question 1 & 4. Further to a number of interactions with
>>>>> users who contacted us we have decided to postpone the migration to the
>>>>> new user scheme. So this will be temporarily  halted until we sent a new
>>>>> communication providing further details.
>>>>>  In summary, the answer is:
>>>>> * You actually do not have an assigned user level (no one does at the
>>>>> moment), this will be done in a few weeks' time
>>>>> *  
>>>>> * When we start the process, we will send another notification with more
>>>>> details and explanations on how to apply for higher categories
>>>>> *  
>>>>> * The projects supported by the accelerators and also PPP initiatives will
>>>>> have right to a privileged access to FIWARE Lab, you should not worry too
>>>>> much 
>>>>> *  
>>>>>  Questions 2 & 3 should be replied separately by the person in duty or the
>>>>> specific 2nd support level teams.
>>>>>  best regards,
>>>>>  Miguel
>>>>> El 06/03/2015 a las 14:46, Raul Palma escribió:
>>>>>> Dear FIWARE-lab-help,
>>>>>> I’m contacting you from the technical team of SmartAgriFood2 accelerator
>>>>>> project. 
>>>>>> We have received some questions regarding FIWARE-lab from the SMEs we are
>>>>>> supporting in the development of applications based on FIWARE/FISPACE
>>>>>> technologies.
>>>>>> Our FIWARE coach recommended to contact you directly for some of these
>>>>>> questions (see below).
>>>>>> Please let us know if you can solve these questions,
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Raul
>>>>>> Questions:
>>>>>> 1.  We would like to start setting up our dev environment on the FiWare
>>>>>> platform. I have had notification that now any new instance created will
>>>>>> be destroyed after two weeks, and that we have to apply for a community
>>>>>> account (vs a trial account) to be able to have instances that will stay
>>>>>> for longer, it does not state anywhere how we apply for this account,
>>>>>> could you raise this question please?
>>>>>> 2.  We would like to request another 3 external IPs, we only have one at
>>>>>> the moment which we will use for our web app but also want to have a dev,
>>>>>> test and prod environments which all need to accessible externally and we
>>>>>> would like to host our bug tracking server on one if possible so that is
>>>>>> 4 in total, therefore we would like a 5 server allowance if possible
>>>>>> please and a larger memory allocation etc.. In the previous email
>>>>>> response from the tech people it said we could request more.
>>>>>> 3.  Are there any Ubuntu (13.04 or later) images which have more than
>>>>>> 3.5GB ram? We would like more if possible + 8GB, I can see other that
>>>>>> have 10GB but these are not the base Ubuntu images. “
>>>>>> 4.  We would like to confirm what kind of account we have for the fiLab,
>>>>>> the account is underkdempsey at togetheranalytics.com. There is a warning
>>>>>> that if you use a trial account things will get deleted after 2 weeks,
>>>>>> but we cannot find where we apply for the community account.
>>>>>>  Raul Palma, PhD
>>>>>>  Network Services Department
>>>>>>  Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
>>>>>>  ul. Dąbrowskiego 79a
>>>>>>  60-529 Poznań
>>>>>>  phone: (+48 61) 858-21-61
>>>>>>  fax: (+48 61) 858-21-51
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Fiware-lab-help mailing list
>>>>>> Fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.orghttps://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiwar
>>>>>> e-lab-help
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Please update your address book with my new e-mail address:
>>>>> miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>      _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
>>>>>     _/   _/     _/  _/   Telefónica       Distrito Telefónica
>>>>>    _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9
>>>>>   _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N
>>>>>  _/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain)
>>>>>                                           Tel:  (+34) 91 483 26 77
>>>>> <tel:%28%2B34%29%2091%20483%2026%2077>
>>>>>                          e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
>>>>> Follow FIWARE on the net
>>>>> 	Website:  http://www.fiware.org
>>>>> 	Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eu.fiware
>>>>> 	Twitter:  http://twitter.com/Fiware
>>>>> 	LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Sándor Laki
>>>> EU FP7 FI-PPP XIFI project,
>>>> Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
>>>> Hungarian Academy of Sciences
>>>> Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.
>>>> H-1121, Budapest, Hungary
>>>> Cell: +36 70 374 2646 <tel:%2B36%2070%20374%202646>
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