[Fiware-lab-help] community account

Federico Michele Facca federico.facca at create-net.org
Wed May 20 16:37:15 CEST 2015

dear dragomir,
i tried now and it seems working to me. maybe the problem is associated to
a specific accelerator. did you select one?


On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Dr. Dragomir D. Dimitrijevic <
dragomir at dragomirdimitrijevic.rs> wrote:

> Hello:
> I am trying to upgrade my account (dragomir at dragomirdimitrijevic.rs) to
> the
> community level. When I provide my name (I tried both my name as well
> organization name FACT) and email, I get the error message below. I need
> the
> community account as we are awarded fund from the Fractals project. Could
> you please help us.
> Sincerely,
> Dr. Dragomir D. Dimitrijevic
> CTO, Founder
> Food and Agriculture Cloud Technology - FACT, Ltd.
> Phone: +381-11-339-0838
> Mobile: +381-63-101-8778
> E-mail: dragomir at dragomirdimitrijevic.rs, dragomir at fact.rs
> Skype: dragomirdimitrijevic
> WWW: http://www.fact.rs, http://www.dragomirdimitrijevic.rs
> ====
> {"errorMessages":["Assignee: The default assignee does NOT have ASSIGNABLE
> permission OR Unassigned issues are turned off."],"errors":{"summary":"You
> must specify a summary of the issue.","customfield_10600":"User Account
> Email is required.","customfield_10501":"Company is
> required.","customfield_10603":"User Full Name is
> required.","customfield_10801":"Are you already registered in FIWARE Lab?
> is
> required.","customfield_10505":"Number of developers is required."}}
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