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Uk Onshore Oil & Gas Summit karl at openforumconferences.co.uk
Wed Feb 17 15:45:07 CET 2016

UK Oil & Gas: Planning and Environment Summit
6th July 2016, Manchester Conference Centre

An energy revolution is underway. The government have set out the vital
role gas will play in the UK transition to a low-carbon and energy secure
future. The 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round will enable a
significant amount of the UK & shale gas prospects to be taken forward to
be explored and tested safely.

The process is not without controversy with concerns over environmental
impacts and noise pollution resulting in legal appeals and public
demonstrations. How can stakeholders work together to reach the best
decisions for both local communities and national need?

New rules require councils to hit tougher targets for determining
applications or face government intervention and the risk of sanctions.
Councils must now determine at least 50 per cent of onshore oil and gas
applications within 13 weeks or 16 weeks if an Environmental Impact
Assessment is required.

Such planning decisions are technical and subject to overlapping regulatory
regimes based on planning, environmental and safety authorisations. 2016
will see a major acceleration in application activity, what do councils
need to have in place to ensure they can cope with demand and new decision

View Programme:
View Overview:
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Invited Speakers:

    Ken Cronin, Chairman, UKOOG

    Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, Secretary of State, Energy and Climate Change,
Department for Energy and Climate Change

    John Dewar, CEO, Third Energy

    Lisa Kirkby Hawkes, Project Manager, Hampshire County Council

    Tom Pickering, Operations Director, INEOS

    Tony Grayling, Director for Sustainability, Environment Agency

    Nina Skorupska, Chief Executive, Renewable Energy Association

    Professor Peter Styles, Professor Environment and Geology, Keele

    Richard Hewitt, National Grid Gas Strategy Manager

Register your interest:
mailto:karl at openforumconferences.co.uk?subject=Registration%20of%20interest:%20Oil%20and%20Gas%202016%20&body=Name:%20%0D%0AContact%20Number:%0D%0AOrganisation:%0D%0ADescription%20of%20enquiry:%0D%0A

Karl Povey

karl at openforumconferences.co.uk
Marketing Executive
Open Forum Events

0161 376 9007

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