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Re-shaping the public sector conference jonathan at openforumconferences.co.uk
Mon Feb 29 14:50:09 CET 2016

>From Surviving To Thriving:Re-shaping public sector service delivery to
meet the next spending review challenges
26th April 2016, Manchester Conference Centre.

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Are you interested to hear from public sector experts on practical ways to
reshape services and turn a deficit into a surplus?

What does Devolution mean for our economy?

Following on from our successful management and leadership events focusing
on Managing Change, Continuous Improvement, Public Sector Performance
Management and Change Management Open Forum Events are pleased to be
working in partnership with IESE (Improvement and Efficiency Social
Enterprise) to bring you From Surviving To Thriving: Re-shaping the public
sector 2016.

>From Surviving to Thriving is a government-led framework for reinventing
public services which has been developed by IESE with more than 90 local
authorities. The latest white paper will be launched at our forthcoming
event and will support the approach of sector-led improvement, providing a
framework for assessing progress and building future transformation plans.

Delegates will discuss and debate the challenges to delivering real,
meaningful change within an organisation and how best to manage and embed
that change. This will be an innovative, fresh and interactive conference
for exchanging new ideas, networking with like-minded peers facing similar
challenges and engaging in discussion and lively debate.


Andrew Larner, Chief Executive, iESE
Theresa Grant, Chief Executive, Trafford Council
John Knight, Principal Consultant, iESE
Neil Goulbourne, Deputy Director of the Strategy Group, NHS England
Nichola Murphy, Head of Process Improvement Unit, Police Service of
Northern Ireland
Max Wide, Strategic Director of Business Change, Bristol City Council
Luke Raikes, Research Fellow, IPPR North


Empowering or Endangering: What does Devolution mean for our local
Public sector sustainable service delivery: What does 21st Century public
services look like?
Review, Remodel, Reinvent: Fundamentally Rethinking the way we deliver
services to the public
The Human element of change - Understanding cultural and behaviourial
change needed to make a lasting difference
Public Sector Revolution: Exploring and implementing new community driven
models for delivering services
Big Bang or Small Step change: Defining the right organisational delivery
models needed at the right time for embedding change.
Risk or Reward? Developing robust, fit for purpose commercialisation
strategies to meet increasing budgetary constraints.


Chief executive Theresa Grant for Trafford Council (who has confirmed to
speak at this conference) has stated Manchester's grand ambition to turn a
£7bn deficit into a surplus

Greater Manchester is negotiating with the Treasury about getting money to
help reform local services. How's that going down at a time of huge budget
cuts to local government? "We need money because we have to do more and
quickly," explains Grant. "We want to frontload that, to get us on a
quicker path to change."

Bringing together more public services, especially in health and social
care, but also in areas like youth justice, will help crack the knotty and
apparently intractable problem of cutting public spending, she believes.
"We've lots of people in a broken system. They need to be helped," she says
(ref: Guardian February 2016)

View Programme at:
View Overview at:
Book a Place at:

Networking with peers facing similar challenges in an environment
specifically designed for strategic thinking and discussion.
Carefully facilitated discussion to help draw out critical issues, possible
solutions and practical steps forward.High level case study analysis with
senior speakers at the helm.
Co-designed with our public sector partners to ensure topics are relevant,
cutting edge and have meaningful outcomes for all.
Hear examples of how to successfully lead, manage and implement service
Share you own stories and experiences with the conference and contribute to
wider thinking about the future of public services.

Want to know more
mailto:jonathan at openforumconferences.co.uk?subject=More%20Information%20Required:%20IESE%202016%20&body=Name:%20%0D%0AContact%20Number:%0D%0AOrganisation:%0D%0ADescription%20of%20enquiry:%0D%0A

Jonathan Smith

jonathan at openforumconferences.co.uk
Senior Marketing Executive
Open Forum Events

0161 376 9007

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