[Fiware-miwi] Epic naming. Splitting up Epics?

Antti Kokko antti.kokko at adminotech.com
Fri Jun 27 18:40:02 CEST 2014

Thank you! I'll make it 2 epics. ..InputAPI and ..WebComponent.

 - Antti

On Friday, June 27, 2014, Marti Christof (mach) <mach at zhaw.ch> wrote:

>  Hi Antti
>  I can handle the tracker, and the roadmap/materializing pages, if you
> only update the wiki-pages.
>  If you want to keep it in one epic then you only need to rename the
> epic.
> - Go to the page, select „move“ and modify the target name by extending it
> with the EpicId.
>  If you want to split it, the easiest way would be to create two new wiki
> pages:
> - go to the page. open in edit mode. mark and copy the content to
> copy-buffer.
> - leave edit mode and modify the name of the page in the url to your new
> page name, the wiki will offer you to create the page, if it does not exist.
> - past the content into new page and modify it.
> - repeat the same for the second epic.
>  Christof
>  Am 27.06.2014 um 14:07 schrieb Antti Kokko <antti.kokko at adminotech.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','antti.kokko at adminotech.com');>>:
>    Hello,
>  I need some detailed fast instructions. How to split the epic. Does I
> need to put e.g. 2 epics in the tracker and how/where to split those in the
> wiki? These maybe stupid questions but I need to get this done. I ´m
> leaving for a 1 month summer holiday within an hour.
>  Thanks,
>   - Antti
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Antti Kokko <antti.kokko at adminotech.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','antti.kokko at adminotech.com');>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  Has anyone succeeded in splitting already? It will affect so many places.
>>  Thanks,
>>   - Antti
>> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Marti Christof (mach) <mach at zhaw.ch
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mach at zhaw.ch');>> wrote:
>>> Hi Antti, and all others having the same errors in the report.
>>>  The first error is what we are discussing about splitting up the
>>> current epics into 2 or more smaller entries.
>>> The problem is, that an Epic name has to have the following schema:
>>> FIWARE.Epic.Chapter.Enabler[.EpicId]*.*EpicId*
>>>  (Schema definitions are defined here:
>>> http://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/How_to_assign_identifiers_to_FI-WARE_Backlog_entries_(convention_to_follow)
>>> )
>>>  For 2D-UI this means we need an Epic name like:
>>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.*X*
>>> *(where X is a reasonable name for the current Epic; I still look for a
>>> better name than „Basic“, „Basis“, ...)*
>>>  or to split the content of the epic in two parts:
>>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.*X1*
>>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.*X2*
>>> *(where X1 contains a part of the current epic and X2 the remaining part
>>> of the current epic; X1 and X2 would be reasonable names for these
>>> functionalities)*
>>>  In 3D-UI we would then have for example:
>>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.3D-UI.HTMLModelExtension (new: previous
>>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.3D-UI; Is there a better name?)
>>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.3D-UI.DataFlowProcessing
>>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.3D-UI.HW-Support
>>>  Maybe there is a similar rename or split possible in 2D-UI (and all
>>> the other with this error)
>>>  For the second error it is simply a referencing issue.
>>> - Any Epic and Feature can only be referenced in the Materializing page,
>>> if it is closed in the tracker.
>>> - If it is still open it should have a reference in the roadmap
>>> (features in the left column, epics in the right column)
>>>  This is simple to fix, as soon the first (naming issue) is fixed.
>>>  Best regards
>>> Christof
>>>   Am 27.06.2014 um 09:32 schrieb Antti Kokko <antti.kokko at adminotech.com
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','antti.kokko at adminotech.com');>>:
>>>   Hello,
>>>  I need some guidance with these issues:
>>>      FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI (<- adjust reference to pattern)      F
>>> IWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI (<-- provide reference in roadmap; provide
>>> reference in tracker; remove reference from materializing;)
>>> What is the correct way of getting rid of these issues? There might have
>>> been already answers to these but seems pretty much every Ge still have the
>>> same issues.
>>>   For 2D-UI Epic I reduced the word count and added the rationale.
>>> Thanks,
>>>  - Antti
>>>  On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Marti Christof (mach) <mach at zhaw.ch
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mach at zhaw.ch');>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Philipp, Hi all
>>>> Epic- and Feature- descriptions are in the public wiki and are
>>>> referenced from the Materializing page as soon they are closed or on the
>>>> roadmap page as long they are worked on.
>>>> Renaming it in the Tracker is the minor part.
>>>> The problem is, that without extending the name the backlog report will
>>>> show many errors, which will also be in a deliverable. Goal is to find a
>>>> consistent and good way to remove the errors without putting to much work
>>>> into it.
>>>> To fulfill the naming rules we need to extend the Epic names, either
>>>> bei splitting large epics into two or by extending it with a generic term,
>>>> representing the whole epic.
>>>> Here you find the links to all the epics available in the public wiki:
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&from=FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.&namespace=0
>>>> <https://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php?title=Special:PrefixIndex&from=FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.&namespace=0>
>>>> @All: Please check the latest report „All issues tab":
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4230/FIWARE.backlog.miwi.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> There are some Epics which have to much words in the description (>250)
>>>> - 2D-UI
>>>> - 3D-UI
>>>> - 3D-UI.DataflowProcessing
>>>> - DisplayAsAService
>>>> and all of the following are missing content in the Rational Field
>>>> (>=20 words):
>>>> - 2D-UI
>>>> - 3D-UI
>>>> - 3D-UI.DataflowProcessing
>>>> - 3D-UI.HW-Support
>>>> - AugmentedReality
>>>> - CloudRendering
>>>> - DisplayAsAService
>>>> - InterfaceDesigner
>>>> - Synchronization
>>>> - Synchronization.SceneAPI
>>>> - VirtualCharacters
>>>> Would be nice if you can fix the content part also while looking into
>>>> the naming.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Christof
>>>> Am 26.06.2014 um 12:19 schrieb Philipp Slusallek <
>>>> philipp.slusallek at dfki.de
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','philipp.slusallek at dfki.de');>>:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > This is something that is only really visible internally, right?
>>>> > Externally people only care about the GE and its functionality.
>>>> >
>>>> > So please, lets do whatever minimizes the amount of work right now.
>>>> > Those names are really not very meaningful for most people.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Best,
>>>> >
>>>> >       Philipp
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Am 26.06.2014 11:26, schrieb Marti Christof (mach):
>>>>  >> Dear WP13 GEi owners
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The problem with the naming of the epics is, that we need to add an
>>>> EpicId.
>>>> >> Schema: FIWARE.Epic.Chapter.Enabler[.EpicId]*.EpicId
>>>> >>
>>>> >> At the moment many WP13-epics are only named after the GE itself.
>>>> e.g.
>>>> >> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI
>>>> >> So we either need to add a generic EpicId (see below) or split up the
>>>> >> Epics in multiple meaningful peaces.
>>>> >> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.FunctionalityX
>>>> >> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.FunctionalityY
>>>> >> Because some of the Epic Description are also to long (see report
>>>> „All
>>>> >> issues“) and need to be shortened, this might be a good possiblity
>>>>  to
>>>> >> fix these issues too.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Please let me know ASAP [today before EOB] if and how it would be
>>>> >> possible to split your current GEs Epic.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Best regards
>>>> >> Christof
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
>>>> >>
>>>>  >>> *Von: *"Marti Christof (mach)" <mach at zhaw.ch
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mach at zhaw.ch');> <mailto:mach at zhaw.ch
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mach at zhaw.ch');>>>
>>>> >>> *Betreff: * *Aw: [Fiware-ge-owners] Backlog content: updated
>>>> reviews*
>>>> >>> *Datum: *26. Juni 2014 [26] 11:05:08 MESZ
>>>> manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com');>
>>>> >>> <mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com');>
>>>> >>
>>>>  >>> *Kopie: *MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <mcp at tid.es
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mcp at tid.es');> <mailto:mcp at tid.es
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mcp at tid.es');>>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Hi Manuel
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> The problem is, that in OpenCall 2 more or less the WebUI GEs have
>>>> >>> been based on the defined Epics. So the epics where available before
>>>> >>> the GEs.
>>>> >>> The problem did not show up before, because they were named
>>>> >>> FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.AdvWebUI.2D-UI, but AdvWebUI is not a GE, so we got
>>>> >>> the error there and had to rename them to the correct GE-names.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I do not care to rename the Epics, but is there a rule or a schema
>>>> in
>>>> >>> other WPs how to extend the name in such a case?
>>>> >>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.2D-UI  (repeating the GE name)
>>>> >>> or
>>>> >>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.Basis  (for implementation of the basis)
>>>> >>> or
>>>> >>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.Basic  (for basic functionality)
>>>> >>> or
>>>> >>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI.BaseFunctionality
>>>> >>> or
>>>> >>> - …
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> We can schedule a call to discuss this. I am available from 13:00 to
>>>> >>> 13:45 and then again from 16:00-...
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Best regards
>>>> >>> Christof
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Am 26.06.2014 um 10:44 schrieb MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
>>>> >>> <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com');>
>>>>  >>> <mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com');>
>>>> >>:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> Hi Christof,
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Rules haven’t  changed.
>>>> >>>> It doesn’t make sense to have an Epic named as the GEI. Epics are
>>>> >>>> organising items, it should add some organising value to the items
>>>> >>>> added below.
>>>> >>>> If you wish, we can do some research to the past to check how it
>>>> was
>>>> >>>> at some definite time.
>>>> >>>> Let me know and we schedule a meeting.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Kind regards,
>>>> >>>> Manuel
>>>> >>>>
>>>>  >>>> *From:*Marti Christof (mach) [mailto:mach at zhaw.ch
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mach at zhaw.ch');>]
>>>> >>>> *Sent:*jueves, 26 de junio de 2014 10:24
>>>>  >>>> *Subject:*Re: [Fiware-ge-owners] Backlog content: updated reviews
>>>>  >>>>
>>>> >>>> Hi Manuel
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> I am working on fixing the problems with the backlog.
>>>> >>>> One point I have problems to fix is the Epic naming error, because
>>>> >>>> you expect an EpicId at the end, but most of our Epics are similar
>>>> to
>>>> >>>> the GEs itself. So for the following GEs the Epics and the GE are
>>>> >>>> identical:
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.2D-UI
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.3D-UI
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.AugmentedReality
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.CloudRendering
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.DisplayAsAService
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.GISDataProvider
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.POIDataProvider
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.InterfaceDesigner
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.RealVirtualInteraction
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.Synchronization
>>>> >>>> - FIWARE.Epic.MiWi.VirtualCharacters
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> To accomplish the rules we would have to add some artificial EpicId
>>>> >>>> like .Basic oder .BaseFunctionality
>>>> >>>> Is this really intended?
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> I also wonder, why this errors did not show up earlier, when we
>>>> fixed
>>>> >>>> the last round of bugs.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Best regards
>>>> >>>> Christof
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Am 26.06.2014 um 10:02 schrieb MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
>>>> >>>> <manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com');>
>>>>  >>>> <mailto:manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com');>
>>>> >>:
>>>>  >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>    Dear Partners,
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>    Please, find below updated reports.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>    REVIEWS:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4224/FIWARE.backlog.apps.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4225/FIWARE.backlog.cloud.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4226/FIWARE.backlog.iot.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4227/FIWARE.backlog.data.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4228/FIWARE.backlog.i2nd.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4229/FIWARE.backlog.security.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4230/FIWARE.backlog.miwi.review.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>    DASHBOARDS:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4231/FIWARE.backlog.apps.dashboard.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4232/FIWARE.backlog.cloud.dashboard.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4233/FIWARE.backlog.iot.dashboard.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4234/FIWARE.backlog.data.dashboard.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4235/FIWARE.backlog.i2nd.dashboard.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4236/FIWARE.backlog.security.dashboard.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/docman/view.php/27/4237/FIWARE.backlog.miwi.dashboard.20140626.xlsx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>    If any support were required, please, don’t hesitate to let me
>>>> know.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>    Kind regards,
>>>> >>>>    Manuel
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>    ----------------------------
>>>> >>>>    Manuel Escriche Vicente
>>>> >>>>    Agile Project Manager/Leader
>>>> >>>>    FI-WAREInitiative
>>>> >>>>    Telefónica Digital
>>>> >>>>    Parque Tecnológico
>>>> >>>>    C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
>>>> >>>>    47151 - Boecillo
>>>> >>>>    Valladolid - Spain
>>>> >>>>    Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72
>>>> >>>>    Fax: +34.983.36.75.64
>>>>  >>>>    http://www.tid.es <http://www.tid.es/>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>> > --
>>>> >
>>>>  >
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>>>>  > <philipp_slusallek.vcf>
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>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Antti Kokko
>>> Meshmoon developer at Adminotech Ltd.
>>> www.meshmoon.com
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Antti Kokko
>> Meshmoon developer at Adminotech Ltd.
>> www.meshmoon.com
> --
> Best regards,
> Antti Kokko
> Meshmoon developer at Adminotech Ltd.
> www.meshmoon.com


Best regards,
Antti Kokko
Meshmoon developer at Adminotech Ltd.
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