Dear all. Please find following a first approach to the main Action Points and lines of work identified from our side. Of course, open to discussion (also in this <> shared doc). @Juanjo, thanks for the emails and creating the lists. My apologies for not having launch the discussion on these topics in the mailing list before and answering directly to the thread created by Pierre and some others. Hope this will help to align and have all the information on the same place. I will act on behalf of the Press Office (PO) at least in the first steps. Action Description Responsible List Members Mundus MSC Add FIWARE Mexico, others? Jacques Objectives & Activities of FIWARE Mundus Review and align with Press & Comms priorities in order to feed and update other members of the community(projects & other active members - individual or communities) Jacques/PO/FF Event Calendar Update a common event calendar<> (adding FIWARE Mexico and any other relevant community). Review with Jacques scope (we should add activities from Uberlandia, Smart SDK, etc, etc...) Jacques/PO/FF Coordination of participation in events Set up calendar and requirements in terms of budget (sponsor), marketing materials and support Jacques/PO/FF Coordination of presence in social networks and press media Linked to our presence in events - Raul to create a shared content calendar aligned with event calendar Jacques/PO/FF Development of the FIWARE Mundus web page on the FIWARE website Draft with content (minutes MSC kick-off meeting) <> Jacques/PO/FF Design of specific FIWARE Mundus marketing material and joint revision of marketing material where FIWARE Mundus perspective is relevant Define different materials: brochures, infographics. 1.- Objectives 2.- Value Proposition 3.- Map of the ecosystem (State of the Art) - update Jacques/PO/FF Budget Approval Manage budget stimation with FF Angeles/FF FIWARE SUMMIT Set Up objectives and participation of different communities FF/Mundus/Press Office FIWARE Ecosystem Morocco Agree and finish MOU Maroc Numerique Cluster (MNC), FIWARE FOUNDATION and FI-GLOBAL Smart City Expo Casablanca 17th / 18th May Evaluate Press Release and involvement of the Press Office (Booth, etc...) - Has someone talked with the organisation? Mundus/Foundation GA of Images& Réseaux - Promotion of Brittany node (27 April) Define needs and support of Press Office in terms of Press Releases, promotion of the node and content for the different topics (round tables IoT, Big Data) Mundus/FF @Jacques @Stefano maybe we could find a slot next week in Madrid to review all this. If not please let me know to set up a conf call. As soon as we have defined all the strategy we can estimate the budget and get the approval of the FF to begin to work. It is important to have a global calendar of activities in order to communicate effectively. This calendar is not only "informative" for the press office and others, it is an effective asset to manage resources. As soon as we know the objectives linked to each event, we can help with the coordination and involvement of other members of the community to support. Every single activity is important and other members of the community must be aware and collaborate. Same with the Events that FF is sponsoring this year - do not forget that they are also a good chanel for you to network, meet, promote... Remember that we manage a map of the ecosystem and all this information should be part of the map in the future. Let's try to review all this face to face next week. Best regards Angeles Tejado FIWARE Press Office OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid Office: +34-91-4512179 Cell: +34-608508873 E-mail: angeles.tejado at [] Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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