[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Proposal Section 1-3 consolidated

Martin Brynskov brynskov at cavi.au.dk
Sun Apr 10 08:34:51 CEST 2016

Dear all,

Please find enclosed, finally, two documents you have been waiting for:

(1) The consolidated version of Sections 1-3.
It is the fruit of many hard-working partners' late weekend/late night efforts.
The formatting is fairly accurate. The page count is 82, with some content still pending. So, we need the last input to be crisp, and we need to cut pages, as pointed out by Mirko.
Section 1 is just about the 30 page target, and almost done.
Section 2 is just above the 20 page limit, and input plus work is needed.
Section 3 is 15 pages too long, and while WP descriptions can be formatted more compactly, the also need to be shortened.

(2) The complete budget, cut to the bone: 14.902.387 total requested EU contribution.
I've left only about 100k to tweak. We needed to lose 2,5 M, so everything has been adjusted.
I've tried to balance both WP, reference zone and partner perspectives. If I have overlooked something essential (for the project's successful selection and completion), I'm willing to look at it.
All direct costs have been streamlined, e.g. with a little more travel budget for those who need to travel, minimal equipment, and no hughly justified expenses (audit will be such an expense). In the tab "Ref Zones", you can see various distributions across cities/countries. It's not an easy exercise.

I'm grateful to the many of you who said, do what you have to do. That's what I have done.

To the WP leads, the message is: These are the absolute max ceilings in PM effort.
Please have a look and check against tasks (including duration) and involved partners. Especially WP 3 intricate, and a massive 3rd of all funded effort.
Thanks, Alex, Bram, Sergio et al. for hammering out the Gantt (which I also attach for your convenience).

WP 4 and 6 need a revision in order to stand crisp. This is now the master doc, so pay attention to formatting, and coordinate input with section leads, i.e. Alex and Mirko. Nadia and Adriënne need a hand with Section 5 (Ethics and privacy), and the reference zone descriptions for Section 4.2 should be collected when 1-3 are done so that we know how the background descriptions relate ot Sections 1-3.

Most hands will be back online at noon, some European timezone. I'll take a nap now, and get back to finishing the rest in some hours.

We want to finish everything tonight. Tomorrow should be reviewing, checking, formatting, relaxing. Submitting.

Thanks to all of you who also sat through the night, Ana, Sergio, Nadia, Margarida, Sébastien, and more. We're soon there -- if we continue the effort to push over the finishing line.


Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
Associate professor, interaction technologies
Aarhus University

Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org
Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk
Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk
Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI
Tel. (+45) 3068 0424
More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi
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