Hi, We have two questions regarding the proposal for Open Call – FIWARE Lab nodes support: 1. We have some ideas about "s pecific FIWARE commercial offers " but we want to make sure it is aligned with your requirements, so, can you better explain or can you give us some examples? * How specific FIWARE commercial offers will be ensured during the contractual period, when and under which conditions (i.e. the business model associated to the commercial offering). It will be highly valued if commercial operations associated to the node will start before end of March 2016. Starting to provide this offering sooner will be positively considered at evaluation stage. However the commercial operations are not funded under this contract 2. According to the handbook http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE_Lab_Nodes_Handbook at the Suggested deployment architecture part it says it is required 3+ Object storage nodes with the following services . We plan to use Swift on compute nodes instead o f Object storage nodes. Is that aligned with your require ments? Thank you, Adrian ONU -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-opencall-help/attachments/20151102/d1133f45/attachment.html>
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