[Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet

Pasquale Vitale pasquale.vitale at eng.it
Mon Jul 2 17:23:20 CEST 2018

Dear all,
I renamed and updated the functional test spreadsheet v13 (in attached) 
using the last version of GEs (in Failure Rate).

Please note that IoTAgent-JSON (1.6.2) and IoTAgent-UL (1.5.2) are 
included in the IoT Agents (old IDAS) sheet.

Best regards,

Il 25/06/2018 11:21, Pezuela, Clara ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> For the public link with QA data, I would like to add current list of 
> labels, so the labels spreadsheet MUST be immediately updated.
> For each GE tab, you will see a table like this one:
> *Attribute*
> *Measure name*
> *Gathered Value*
> *Label (A+++/C)*
> *Notes/Comments/ Objective Evidences (OE)*
> Usability
> _Completeness <#Measures%21A1>_
> Good
> A+
> The Open spec and the installation guide are complete.
> _Soundness <#Measures%21A11>_
> Good
> A+
> All expected information is available.
> Reliability
> _Failure Rate <#Measures%21A21>_
> 0,14
> A++
> TF/TE (17/119) for 5.4.0 version
> _Defects by Priority <#Measures%21A31>_
> 1,75
> A+
> They were found major and minor errors (functional or documental)
> Efficiency
> _Time to Taking charge <#Measures%21A41>_
> 9,9
> B
> The taking charge time is a bit slow
> _Time to Fix <#Measures%21A51>_
> 2,6
> A++
> The fixing time is very fast
> I took Keyrock as example, because it is urgent to re-test this GE as 
> new version has come up and it is essential to have updated results 
> before meeting in Berlin (3-4 July).
> But same exercise MUST be done for all GEs.
> Davide, could you please be sure that the functional labels related to 
> Reliability contained in the file are updated for all GEs? If not, 
> could you please add accordingly?
> Ariel/Carmen, please the same for labels about Usability.
> Stefano, please the same for Efficiency, from the data which is 
> collected by the Foundation in Jira system.
> All label for non-functional aspects are already updated
> *DEADLINE: 3 of July**Please mark the changes you did by coloring 
> cells in yellow. I will calculate overall labels, I just need you to 
> change the values per tab/GE*
> Thanks a lot
> Clara Pezuela
> Head of IT Market
> Research and Innovation Group
> ARI booklet 
> <https://atos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/atos-ari-2016.pdf>
> Atos Spain SA
> Clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:Clara.pezuela at atos.net>
> +34 675 62 9974
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