[Fiware-qualityassurance] Submission of labels to FIWARE Catalogue

Pezuela, Clara clara.pezuela at atos.net
Tue Nov 6 15:35:53 CET 2018

Dear all,

In last TSC it was decided that we, from QA team, will upload directly the labels we got in each category at any time we tested a GE. Still, it is pending to decide how to updated the global label, which requires average calculations, but this is another story.

For the moment, please feel free to follow the attached instructions provided by Jason and proceed to update all your labels as indicated. I remember you can find the existing labels at our QA online tool: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mstfd5kxyO73cOhSKujLpiVrmlbCLWK4crBlVG0rICk/edit#gid=53790661

Do not hesitate to contact Jason for any doubt in processing the labels. I remember project is ending by end of November, and FIWARE summit is on 27-28 Nov, so nice to have all labels in Catalogue before the summit, 23rd Nov the latest if possible

Best regards
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Subject: Re: Updating Test results on Catalogue
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